Luigi’s Mansion 3 Achievements List

In Luigi’s Mansion 3 there are a number of achievements for players to unlock as they playthrough the game. These achievements cover a wide range of gameplay elements such as: solving certain puzzles, collecting gems, and defeating enemies. There are a total of 53 achievements to complete across four categories: collection, hotel, battle, and Scarescraper. To learn how to unlock each achievement, consult our Luigi’s Mansion 3 achievements list below.
Luigi’s Mansion 3 Achievements

If you wish to check out the Achievements for your self you can do this by using the E.Godd Hotline on the start menu. Once you call E.Gadd you will have the option to select LOG. Do this and use the right shoulder button to access the Achievements list. On the list you will find the following.
Collection achievements
- Collected a total of 10,000 coins
- Collected a total of 6,000 bills
- Collected a total of 3,000 gold bars
- Collected a total of 150 pearls
- Collected all gems in the hotel
- Collected all gems in the basement
- Collected all gems in the Grand Lobby
- Collected all gems in the RIP Suites
- Collected all gems in the hotel shops
- Collected all gems in the mezzanine
- Collected all gems in the Great Stage
- Collected all gems in Castle MacFrights
- Collected all gems in the Garden Guites
- Collected all gems in Paranormal Productions
- Collected all gems in the Unnatural History Museum
- Collected all gems in the Boilerworks
- Collected all gems in the Tomb Suites
- Collected all gems in the Twisted Suites
- Collected all gems in The Spectral Catch
- Collected all gems in the Fitness Center
- Collected all gems in the Dance Hall
- Collected all gems in the Master Suites
- Captured all Boos in the hotel
Hotel achievements
- Rode the elevator 50 times
- Found all haunted objects in the 2F dressing room
- Removed all spiders and webs behind 5F laundry room
- Sucked up all merchandise in the hotel shops
- Cleared billiards table in the 2F entertainment room
- Found and defeated the ghost orchestra on 4F
- Found the royal coffers in the Castle MacFrights
- Used the Strobulb on all Strobe Flowers in the Garden Suites (18)
- Captured the director ghost in Paranormal Productions
- Destroyed all exhibits in the Unnatural History Museum
- Played music in the Boilerworks Observation room
- Found and popped the beach ball in Tomb Suites
- Cleaned up all stuffed bunnies in Twisted Suites
- Shot down the moon from the Spectral Catch
- Got all mice in the fitness center locker room
- Snuck into the hidden vault in the dance hall
- Found the Golden Goobs in the Master Bathroom
Battle achievements
- Defeated 500 total pests
- Captured 999 total ghosts
- Captured 500 Mini Ghosts
- Defeated a ghost by slamming it into another ghost
- Destroyed a Hammer using a single tether
- Defeated 6 ghosts at once
- Slammed a ghost 7 times in a row.
Scarescraper achievements
- Cleared the 5-floor ScareScraper
- Cleared the 10-floor ScareScraper
- Defeated 40 rare ghosts in ScareScraper.
- Revived teammates 20 times in ScareScarper.
- Completed 100 total floors in Scarescraper
- Defeated Boolossus 20 times in Scarescraper
This concludes our look at all the achievements in Luigi’s Mansion 3. Let me know what achievemetns you found the hardest to complete in the comments below. Happy hunting.
Here’s how to defeat 6 ghosts at once.
Slamming a ghost 7 times has to do with timing. I went to the 4th floor where hammers spawn. Try to get the A button press right away at first and then about every half second press A instead of spamming it.
How do you slam a ghost seven times in a row??
Same and I need to figure out what room you can capture 6 ghosts at once in
Idk about the 6 ghosts at once, but for slamming, just find a Hammer and when you’re doing the slams, make sure you press A as soon as the enemy hits the ground. This allows you to slam more times before the meter runs out
I just got the 6 ghosts one. What you want to do is keep reloading floor 10 until the area outside the pyramid spawns 8 Goobs. Best place to do it
Right on man 🙂
So it’s possible to get 6 ghosts in one vacuum cycle? Im having trouble getting all 6? Or do you need to slam them into other ghosts? I got 5 but Six is challenging lol
Got it as soon as I said that! Thanks again!
Here’s a video on slamming a ghost 7 times.
The first ??? under Hotel achievements is clearing all the spiders and webs in the alcove behind F5 Laundry Room
The last one for battle achievement is Slammed a ghost 7 times in a row
the remaining scarescraper achievements are clearing 10 floor scarescraper, capturing 40 rare ghosts, and reviving teammates 20 times.
I found the last ??? for the hotel. It’s Found the Golden Goobs in the master bathroom
In order to get it you have to be on the 15th floor. It’s a room with lasers and bathrooms. There’s coal in a sauna room that you have to put water on. Then the Goobs appear.