Luigi’s Mansion 3: Found all Haunted Objects in the 2F Dressing Room

The second floor of the Last Resort hotel is home to not one, but two achievements for players to unlock. The first achievement involves haunted objects in the Dressing Room. To help you complete this achievement, use our found all haunted objects in the 2F dressing room guide below.
Where to Find Haunted Objects in Dressing Room on Floor 2?

To start make your way to the Dressing Room on floor 2. The Dressing Room can be found through the large double doors where you rescued E.Gadd. Once you are in the dressing room look for the following haunted objects (3 total):
- Chest.
- Garbage Can.
- Chair.
Each of these haunted items can be seen in the mirrors. Go up to each item and shine your Dark Light on it to make it appear. Once you’ve done this to the three items listed above the achievement will pop.
The Found all Haunted Objects in the 2F Dressing Room achievement is part of a number of floor specific achievements for players to unlock. You can find these achievements on our list here.