Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides – Everything You Need to Know

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Check out the progression numbers for the Arcade Brunch Live Event in Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 features an interesting weekly challenge system called Live Events. Each week (on Tuesday), a new Live Event is released for players to complete in order to earn in game loot like weapons and outfits. Up to now there has been a new Live Event each week, but recently Ubisoft has decided to release old challenges for players that may have missed them the first time around (vote here). To help you complete previous Live Events, I’ve made this Live Event hub. Here you will find a brief rundown and links to all our Far Cry 5 Live Event guides. Hope they help you get the loots!

Week 1 – Well Done Live Event

Image of the Well Done Live Event for in our Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

The week 1 Live Event was called the Well Done challenge. Completing this event earned you loot.

Live Event Description: “Kill as many animals as you can with fire, but without using molotovs or flamethrowers. Light ’em up and get creative!”

The Well Done Live Event was the first event hosted in Far Cry 5. This Live Event tasked players with killing animals with the fire of either a molotov or flamethrower. Completing this event unlocked the Flambearer outfit and the Flamebearer flamethrower.

Read our in depth guide to completing the Well Done Live Event if you need help completing this challenge.

Week 2 – Arcade Dawn Live Event

Screenshot of the Arcade Dawn Live Event progression - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

The Arcade Dawn Live Event was the seconde Live Event in Far Cry 5.

Live Event Description: “Infinite maps, infinite fun! Visit any arcade booth or open the Online menu, and check out the featured maps. Playtime is in minutes.”

The Arcade Dawn Live Event was the second Live Event put on by Far Cry 5. In this Live Event, players were tasked with playing the Arcade Mode of Far Cry 5 for a total number of minutes. Reaching the allotted playtime unlocked the Vector.45 ACP “4 Color Fun” and the Arcade Pro outfit.

If you need help completing this challenge, consult our Arcade Dawn Live Event guide.

Week 3 – Roadkill Live Event

Live Event Description: “Put your guns away and bring the cultists and wildlife of Hope County under your wheels. Any land, air, or water vehicle can be used!”

Week 4 – Pickup Blowup Live Event

Pickup Blowup Live Event challenge guide for Far Cry 5 - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

The week 4 challenge was all about blowing things up.

Live Event Description:  “Destroy cult trucks with proximity explosives, remote explosives, dynamites, grenades or pipe bombs. Turn those 4x4s into 0x0s!”

In week 4, the Live Event was Pickup Blowup. This event tasked players with blowing up Peggy pickup trucks using specific explosives. Destroying the required amount of Peggy trucks unlocked the 1970 Kimberlite ZZT “The Cultbuster” and the Undercover Cultist Outfit.

Read our complete guide to the Pickup Blowup Live Event.

Week 5 – White Collar Job Live Event

White Collar Job Guide - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

During week 5 players were tasked with killing wolves for their collars.

Live Event Description: “Be the best one! … at collecting collars. Kill Jacob’s Judges or any wolves with arrows and nab that neckwear!”

The week 5 Live Event, called White Collar Job, tasked players with collecting collars from the bodies of any Judges or wolves killed with arrows. Collecting enough collars unlocked the Shovel Launcher and Jacob’s Hunter Outfit.

For help with completing the White Collar Job Live Event, see our guide here.

Week 6 – Arcade Noon Live Event

Live Event Description: “Infinite maps, infinite fun! Visit any arcade booth or open the Online menu, and check out the featured maps. Playtime is in minutes.”

The Arcade Noon Live Event was the sixth Live Event put on by Far Cry 5. In this Live Event, players were tasked with playing the Arcade Mode of Far Cry 5 for a total number of minutes.

Week 7 – Sharp Shooter Live Event

Live Event Description: “Why get up close and personal with Eden’s Gate when you take care of business from the other side of town? Kill ’em from at least 160 meters away!”

Week 8 – Friendly Fire Live Event

Friendly Fire Live Event Guide - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

Friendly Fire put the spotlight on companions.

Live Event Description: “Your Guns for Hire are ready for payback! Order them to take out as many cultists as possible and rack up those kills.”

In week 8’s Friendly Fire Live Event, players were challenged to rack up kills using only their companions. Having your companions kill the required number of cultists unlocked both the MP34 “Rye & Sons” and the Kimiko Rye outfit.

To see what strategy we used to complete this Live Event, consult our Friendly Fire guide.

Week 9 – Root Canal Live Event

Root Canal Live Event Progression - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

Hope you feel like doing a bit of dental work in Hope County.

Live Event Description: “Use your melee weapons to crack open those cultist skulls and loot their teeth.”

During week 9, players took part in the Root Canal Live Event. This Live Event challenged players to use melee weapons on cultists and loot teeth from their skulls afterwards. For completing the Root Canal Live Event, players earned the Tooth and Nail melee weapon and the Dentist  special outfit.

If you want help cracking open cultists skulls, check out our Root Canal guide.

Week 10 – Explosion Hazard Live Event

Screenshot of the Explosion Hazard Live Event progression - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

Explosion Hazard Live Event tasked players with killing enemies using indirect explosions.

Live Event Description: “Boom boom! Time to blow up some cultists or the local predators. Let’s make it interesting – indirect explosions only! Barrels, vehicles, and other objects will help!”

The week 10 challenge, Explosion Hazard, was all about explosives. Like the instructions state, players needed to get kills on Peggies via indirect explosions. For getting enough indirect explosion kills, players unlocked the Kaumbat H-158 “Senator” and the Adelaide outfit.

For help with the Explosion Hazard Live Event, see our Explosion Hazard guide.

Week 11 – Hambearger Live Event

Image of the Hambearger Live Event progression - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

Killing bears using only a pistol = the Hambearger Live Event.

Live Event Description: “Feeling paw? Get some bear meat and sell if for extra cash. But bear with me on this one – for some unbearable reason you must use handguns to kill the bears first!”

Pretty simple challenge for week 11. Players needed to get kills on bears using only the handgun. After getting a kill, the player then needed to collect Bear Meat. Once a player collected the total amount needed, they unlocked the D50 “Sovereign” and the Tracey outfit.

Get your bear killing on with our Hambearger guide.

Week 12 – Arcade Nights Live Event

Image of the Arcade Nights progression screen - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

Arcade Nights is another Arcade Mode focused Live Event challenge.

Live Event Description: “Infinite maps, infinite fun! Visit any arcade booth or open the Online menu, and check out the featured maps. Playtime is in minutes!”

Like other arcade Live Events, the Arcade Nights Live Event tasked players with playing the Arcade Mode for a set number of minutes. Playing for the required playtime unlocked the BP-2 “Infinite fun” and some new hair colors in the character customization menu.

For tips on completing this Live Event, check out our Arcade Nights guide.

Week 13 – Punch Line Live Event

Punch Line Live Event Guide - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

The Punchline Live Event tasked players with punching cultists to death.

Live Event Description: “It’s time to get pugilistic on those cultists! Use your fists, brass knuckles of even The Furious homeopathic to make kills!”

In the Punch Line Live Event, players were tasked with getting kills on cultists using only their barefists. Completing this challenge unlocked the 1973 Pygmalion SSR “Vroom and Boom” and the Whack! Shirt.

Need help with the Punch Line Live Event? We’ve got a guide for you.

Week 14 – Slugger Live Event

Screenshot of the progression numbers for the Slugger Live Event in Far Cry 5

Grab your shotgun and some slugger ammo for the Slugger Live Event.

Live Event Description: “Grab your favorite shotgun and load up on slug ammo from shops, then get out there and hunt some Peggies!”

During the week 14 Live Event, Slugger, players were challenged to kill cultists using a shotgun and slug ammo. For completing the Slugger Live Event, players earned the MG42 “Buzzkill” and the Titan Force shirt.

Checkout our Slugger guide for the best way to complete this Live Event.

Week 15 – Heartbreaker Live Event

Screenshot of the Heartbreaker Live Event progression - Far Cry 5 Live Event Guides

Both Cheeseburger and Peaches are necessary to complete this week’s Live Event.

Live Event Description: “The call of the wild. Beast vs. beast! Go hunting with Cheeseburger or Peaches and loot some animal hearts.”

During the Hearbreaker Live Event, players were tasked with hunting animals using Cheeseburger or Peaches. When an animal was killed by either Peaches or Cheeseburger, the player was able to loot their corpse for animal hearts. By collecting the required amount animal hearts you unlock both the P08 “Pastel Power” and the Heartbreaker shirt.

To help you complete this Live Event, check out our Heartbreaker guide.

Week 16 – Arcade Brunch Live Event

Screenshot of the progression numbers for the Arcade Brunch Live Event in Far Cry 5 - Arcade Brunch Live Event guide

The Arcade Brunch Live Event is the most recent event in Far Cry 5.

Live Event Description: “Infinite maps, infinite fun! Visit Far Cry® Arcade and check out the latest featured or top rated maps. Playtime is in minutes!”

This is yet another Arcade Live Event for Far Cry 5 like every other event up to this point, players were tasked with playing the Arcade mode for a set number of minutes. After completing this challenge, players received the 1887 “Arcade West” and the Arcade Brunch shirt.

Use our Arcade Brunch guide to complete this Live Event.

Did you find our Far Cry 5 live event guides helpful? Let us know in The Pit below.


A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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