Devil May Cry 5 Collectibles Locations Guide – Find All Collectible Orbs and Weapons

Devil May Cry 5 features a wide range of collectibles that players can discover as they progress through the game. These collectibles not only help enhance your character’s abilities but also unlock achievements and trophies. Some collectibles are easy to find, while others may be hidden in more obscure locations. This guide will provide you with detailed information on where to find each collectible in every mission.
About Collectibles in Devil May Cry 5:
In Devil May Cry 5, there are two main types of collectibles: Blue Orb Fragments and Purple Orb Fragments.
- Blue Orb Fragments: These fragments can be found scattered throughout the missions. Collect four to form one Blue Orb, which increases your health by +1.
- Total Blue Orbs: 32 (8 full Blue Orbs to collect)
- Unlocks: Collecting all Blue Orbs will unlock the Physical Perfection trophy/achievement.
- Purple Orb Fragments: These fragments work similarly to Blue Orbs, but they increase your Devil Trigger instead of health.
- Total Purple Orbs: 8 (2 full Purple Orbs to collect)
- Unlocks: Collecting all Purple Orbs will unlock the The Devil’s Own trophy/achievement.
Replaying Missions: Don’t worry if you miss any collectibles in your first playthrough! You can replay missions to collect any that you missed.
Devil May Cry 5 Collectibles Locations by Mission:
Here’s a mission-by-mission breakdown of where to find each collectible in Devil May Cry 5. Click on the mission title for detailed instructions and collectible locations:
- Prologue (No Collectibles)
- Nero – Mission 01: 1x Blue Orb Fragment
- Qliphoth – Mission 02: 3x Blue Orb Fragments
- Flying Hunter – Mission 03: 3x Blue Orb Fragments
- V – Mission 04: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 3x Blue Orb Fragments
- The Devil Sword Sparda – Mission 05: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 2x Blue Orb Fragments
- Steel Impact – Mission 06: No Collectibles
- United Front – Mission 07: No Collectibles
- Demon King – Mission 08: 3x Blue Orb Fragments
- Genesis – Mission 09: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 3x Blue Orb Fragments
- Awaken – Mission 10: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 2x Blue Orb Fragments
- Reason – Mission 11: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 2x Blue Orb Fragments
- Yamato – Mission 12: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 2x Blue Orb Fragments
- Three Warriors – Mission 13: No Collectibles
- Diverging Point: V – Mission 14: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 2x Blue Orb Fragments
- Diverging Point: Nero – Mission 15: 3x Blue Orb Fragments
- Diverging Point: Dante – Mission 16: 1x Purple Orb Fragment, 2x Blue Orb Fragments
- Brothers – Mission 17: No Collectibles
- Awakening – Mission 18: 1x Blue Orb Fragment
- Vergil – Mission 19: No Collectibles
- True Power – Mission 20: No Collectibles
Additional Resources
That wraps up our guide to all the collectible locations in Devil May Cry 5! With this information, you’ll be able to fully explore each mission and gather all the Blue and Purple Orbs to power up your character.
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