When’s the Next Animal Crossing New Horizons Event? Animal Crossing New Horizons Event List

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Animal Crossing New Horizons is a game that is seeing continual additions in the form of events. These events are typically added in celebration of real-life events like holidays and special days on the calendar. Within each of the event there are new additions like clothing, NPCs, and items. To keep track of the different events and when they run use our Animal Crossing New Horizons list below.

List of Animal Crossing New Horizons Events and When They Take Place

Image showing the May Day event in Animal Crossing New Horizons.
Image showing the May Day Event.

Events in Animal Crossing New Horizons typically take place on or around real-life holidays and special days on the calendar. This means it is usually in your best interest to check the game if there is anything going on in the real world. With that said Nintendo has been pretty forthcoming with information on which dates the events will take place. This information is shared during Nintendo Directs which can be found here. The current events that have been shown are:

Bunny Day (Ended): April 1-12

Bunny Day is an Easter event in Animal Crossing New Horizons. While this event is active an NPC called Zippy will visit you island. Zippy is a bunny and he has hide a number of eggs for you to find. These eggs can be collected through various methods. Alongside collecting the eggs players are also able to unlock different Easter themed items.

Nature Day (Ended): April 23-May 4

The Nature Day event introduced players to Leif and Redd. Alongside these NPCs came the ability to buy Shrubs and Artwork. With there being Artwork for sale players can show it off at the Museum. There was also special Nature Day Nook Miles+ that earned bonus miles that ran over the course of the event.

May Day Tour (Ended): May 1-7

During the May Day Tour players received a daily ticket to a special May Day Maze Island. On this island players could collect Bells and meet a special NPC for a special reward.

International Museum Day (Ended): May 18-31

The International Museum Day event introduces a Stamp Rally players can complete in their museums. By looking at the various fish, insects, and fossils you’ve collected you will receive stamps. Collecting stamps will lead to an special reward.

Wedding Season (Active): June 1-30

During the month of June players can head to Harv’s Island to encounter a married couple called Reese and Cyrus. These NPCs will host wedding themed photography challenges players may complete to unlock Wedding Themed items.

As more events for Animal Crossing New Horizons are revealed I will update this list accordingly. If you wish to access any of the events listed above you will need to have an updated version of the game. Once an event is pasted you will need to either wait for it to return next year or time travel.

Thoughts on our Animal Crossing New Horizons Event List? Drop them in The Pit below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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