Pet Simulator X Hologram Update Patch Notes

The March 25th Pet Simulator X experience update in Roblox has been released. This new update for the game features additions to the recently released Kawaii City location and the pets players can find there. To learn about everything in the Pet Simulator X Hologram update see the full Patch Notes below.
March 25 Hologram Update Patch Notes
This patch expands the Kawaii patch that released last week. This means you need to gain access to have access to Kawaii World to see most of it. In Kawaii World the developers have added a new quest players can complete to find a special Tokyo Alley Egg that has the chance to hatch a the HUGE Kawaii Dragon and HUGE Ninja Axolotl pets.
Alongside the new questline there is also a new location in Kawaii World players can visit using a secret door. This secret door leads to the Dojo where there is a new large chest to open and the new Dojo Egg to hatch. The Dojo Egg has a higher chance of hatching the special Kawaii pets.
Like other patches that have released, the Hologram patch doesn’t just contain new content. This patch also features a bunch of bug fixes for issues that have been plaguing the game. To learn more see the full patch notes below.
Hologram Update!
2 New Huge Pets
Guess what?! 2 new huge pets have been added!
The HUGE Kawaii Dragon and HUGE Ninja Axolotl
Both huge pets are available in the Tokyo Alley Egg!
Let the journey begin through the streets of Tokyo!
To participate in the quest, explore the 4 alleys.
Each of the alleys contain 3 chests as giant obstacles.
The goal is to find the egg at the end of one of the alleys!
Beware! The egg changes location every 60 minutes.
Tokyo Alley Egg
Find the new Tokyo Alley Egg randomly in one of Tokyo’s 4 alleys!
Find 2 new HUGE pets in it, the Huge Kawaii Dragon and Huge Ninja Axolotl.
The egg will be around forever, but it does move every 60 minutes! Good luck hatching!
Secret Dojo Door
Are you ready, sensei? The ancient scrolls have revealed the Secret Dojo Area!
Show your token of appreciation by forfeiting Cartoon Coins to gain access.
Step into the hidden hatching ground of the Dojo!
In this area, the new egg and giant chest breakable may be located.
Secret Dojo Egg
Hidden within the secret training area, find the new Dojo Egg!
This egg has much better chances to hatch the special Kawaii pets!
Secret Dojo Chest
Test your patience to overcome the Giant Dojo Chest!
With the support of your fellow sensei, you’ll emerge richer than ever!
You may find the chest in the new secret area.
Hologram Exclusive Pets
What’s this?! New pet technology?!
Introducing the newest Hologram Exclusive Egg!
Featuring the brand new TITANIC Hologram Cat!
2 new huge pets – HUGE Hologram Shark and HUGE Hologram Tiger!
Hatch these limited edition pets before they disappear before your eyes!
Coming Soon – Huge Chef Cat
Coming with My Restaurant’s update on March 31st!
You have the chance to receive a HUGE Chef Cat on Pet Simulator.
This is a reward for serving 100,000 customers after 3/31 on My Restaurant.
– Added hoverboards for the top 100 power leaderboard players
– Added exclusive pets to show information on hover in the exclusive shop
– Fixed how the mailbox wouldn’t open for some people
– Fixed locked pets in the mailbox becoming not grayed out after selecting a pet
– Fixed being able to drag to deposit locked pets into a bank that wasn’t yours
– Removed the popup notifications for server boost notifications if one was already active
– Changed on XBOX how RB and LB selected menu buttons in the inventory
Removed St. Patrick’s Event
We hope you had a great St. Patrick’s event!
The St. Patrick’s world, egg, currency, and events are no longer available.
Make sure to wear green again next year!
BIG Games
Overall this is basically a hold over patch until April 1. Preston and the BIG Game team have revealed that the April 1 patch will be one of the biggest they have ever released to date. Excited to see what’s in store.
Every time there is a new patch released in Pet Simulator X there is a Scavenger hunt server event that occurs. Our guide helps you find all 3 Hidden Eggs each week.
Thoughts on the Pet Simulator X Hologram update patch notes? Drop them in the comments below.