GTA Online The Gooch Event Guide

Rockstar Games is in full holiday mode in their popular multiplayer title GTA Online. The studio has been releasing a bunch of holiday themed content for players to enjoy over their holidays. This content comes in a variety of forms including new, random, seasonal events that can occur in sessions. One random event is being robbed by The Gooch a character based off The Grinch. To learn more about this event use our GTA Online The Gooch event guide below.
How to Get The Gooch to Spawn?
The Gooch is a random spawn players can have happen to them in a lobby with at least 2 players that has been running for 48 minutes. This means your best option is to play invite only or crew sessions with you and one other player. This gives you the highest probability of having The Gooch rob you. If you are looking for players to help, drop a comment below and see if others are looking to do The Gooch spawn.
If you don’t want to play invite only you can server hop around until you find a low population lobby to play in. Keep in mind that any player in the lobby can have The Gooch spawn on them, so you want the lobby population to be as low as possible to improve your chances of having The Gooch target you.
What does The Gooch Do?
The Gooch acts similar to the Mugger that can be sent after players in a session by calling Lamar. Unlike the Mugger, who The Gooch goes after in the lobby is purely random. Once it does have a target it will attempt to rob them. If it succeeds The Gooch steals money and snacks from the player.
When The Gooch is targeting you want to kill it. The first time you take out The Gooch it will drop a present containing The Gooch Mask. Additionally it will drop any stolen items and GTA$25,000. The video above shows the entire process of the event. Subscribe to the HTR YouTube channel for more GTA Online content.
The Gooch Mask
The main reason you want to complete The Gooch event is to unlock The Gooch Mask. This mask is a special, limited edition, mask that players can only earn through completing the event. With that said whether or not you think the mask is worth the trouble is largely up to you. Many players have been complaining it is fairly poor quality compared to the look of the actual The Gooch monster.
If you do go ahead with completing the event the mask becomes available in your wardrobe. It can be found under the Festive Mask options. It looks kind of like a Yeti, not so much a Grinch.
This is not the only seasonal content available for the holiday season in GTA Online. There are also 25 Snowman Collectibles to find and destroy. Additionally there is a Die Hard inspired event called Weazel Plaza Shootout players can complete. Both of these events feature special rewards for players upon completion.
For more coverage of GTA Online be sure to check out our weekly updated pages. These pages detail the currently active Podium Car and Prize Ride vehicle. There is also a page that highlights the cars for sale at the Simeon Premium Deluxe Auto shop and the Luxury Auto Shop. You can also check you the weekly update page for details on what’s new in each weekly reset.
Thoughts on our GTA Online Weazel Plaza Shootout event guide? Did you get the weapon for yourself? Drop them in the comments below.