The Caspian Suit Upgrade Locations – Metro Exodus

The Caspian Suit Upgrade Locations

Metro Exodus features an interesting suit upgrade mechanic in which you must find upgrades before you can apply them. These upgrades range from things like a compass to metal detector. To help you find all the upgrades here is a guide showing The Caspian suit upgrade locations.

The Caspian Suit Upgrade Locations Map

The Caspian Suit Upgrade Locations Map
Click to enlarge.

This map should give you a general idea of where to find each piece of Artyom’s suit upgrades in The Volga. Below I will go into more depth for each location.

The Caspian Suit Upgrade Locations (5)

There area a total of five suit upgrade components you can find in The Caspian level of Metro Exodus. Each location will be addressed below including pictures for better understanding.

1. Motion Scanner – Slaver Ship

Motion Scanner - Slaver Ship
On the deck of the slaver ship you will find the motion detector.

To find this suit upgrade, make your way to the slaver ship on the northwestish side of the map. Go into the ship and make your way up the two ladders leading to the deck. At the top of the second ladder, go into the door in front of you. Look on the table to your right to find the Motion Scanner.

2. Extra Bright Flashlight – Beached Old Boat

Extra Bright Flashlight  - Beached Old Boat
Inside the beached boat is the suit upgrade.

Southwest of the lighthouse there is an old, beached boat. Inside the cabin of the boat is the Extra Bright Flashlight on a crate.

3. Armored Glass – End of Arena

Armored Glass - End of Arena
At the end of the arena a prize awaits.

As you make your way to the Oasis, you will hear a transmission from the Baron. This transmission will cause a ? to appear on your map (where the 3 on map above). Go here and make your way through the enemies until you reach the end. At the end a rope ladder will drop. Go up the rope ladder to reach the Armored Glass upgrade on a crate. There are two other collectibles in this area.

4. NVD Amplifier – Air Traffic Control Tower

NVD Amplifier - Air Traffic Control Tower
In the ATC at the airport you will find the NVD Amplifier.

At the airport there is an ATC tower. Go into the airport and make your way to the ATC tower. Inside the tower you will find the NVD Amplifier.

5. Consumables Carrier – Cave Along Cliffside

Consumables Carrier - Cave Along Cliffside
Inside this cliffside cave you will find the Consumables Carrier.

The final suit upgrade can be locked along the cliffside just left of the oil refinery in a cave. Look for a pathway leading down and take it until your reach the cave. Inside the cave is the Consumables Carrier.

Need help finding more collectibles in Metro Exodus? We’ve got you covered. Check out find every collectible using our Metro Exodus collectibles guide.

More: The Volga Suit Upgrades.

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