Pet Simulator X Dog World Biomes

Dog World Biomes list.

Dog World is a world that players can visit in Pet Simulator X. To access this world, you need to use a cannon located in Limbo. It is considered Limbo World #3. When you visit it for the first time you will notice it is segmented into 4 main biomes. To learn more about the Pet Simulator X Dog World Biomes see our guide below.

What are the Biomes in Dog World?

To access the entire Dog World you need to purchase the different biomes in it. To unlock a new area, approach the gate along your path. Push the unlock key when prompted to spend your Cartoon Coins on opening the next area. As you progress through the world the unlocks become more expensive to purchase. The four biomes in Dog World and their unlock prices are as follows:

  • Park – Free.
  • City – 4,000,000,000.
  • Firehouse – 15,000,000,000.
  • Mansion – 100,000,000,000.

The final biome, Dog Mansion, contains the huge Dog Chest which has a ton of health, but also yields a bunch of Cartoon Coins when destroyed. This end area is similar in nature to the Kawaii Village Dojo.

Once you’ve visited the Dog World and unlocked the different biomes you will be able to purchase them from the Teleport menu using Robux or Diamonds. This makes it possible to easily travel to and from Dog World biomes with ease.

Should I Unlock all Dog World Biomes?

If you want to be able to hatch all of the Dog Eggs in Dog World you need to purchase/unlock all three of the biomes listed above. Doing this unlocks the different eggs, allowing you to hatch all of the Dog World pets.

Another reason that you will want to unlock the biomes is to complete their quests. Each biome in Dog World has quests you can complete to earn points. The Quest Shop allows players to spend their earned points on special eggs and gameplay bonuses..

The final reason it is worth it to unlock all of the Dog World Biomes is to have access to all the areas incase the Scavenger Eggs spawn in any of them. This makes it possible to get every Safari Egg each time there is a new update.

Thoughts on Pet Simulator X Dog World Biomes? Drop them in the comments below.



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