How to Restore Moghs Great Rune in Elden Ring

Inside the Mohgywn Palace in Elden Ring you will encounter Mohg, Lord of Blood. When you defeat Mohg you receive Mogh’s Great Rune among other items. To make this Great Rune useable you need to visit the Divine Tower of East Altus. To help you complete this task use our how to restore Mogh Great Rune in Elden Ring guide below.
Note: If you restored Morgott’s Great Rune earlier, this Great Rune is restored in the exact same tower. Simply warp to the Divine Tower of East Altus: Gate. Head upstairs to the roof and interact with the orb there to restore the Great Rune.
Where to Restore Moghs Great Rune
Upon defeating Mogh you will receive Mohg, Lord of Blood’s Great Rune. Once you get this item your first task should be to read its description. In the description you learn there is a Divine Tower of East Altus which stands beyond the great bridge from Leyndell’s eastern ward. This is where we want to go (shown on map above).
Reach the Top of the Divine Tower of East Altus

Outside of the Leyndell leave the city via the east road. This road leads to an elevator. Instead of riding the elevator down. Turn to the southeast and you will see an entrance. Go to this entrance and begin to cross the bridge. As you cross the bridge darkness will descend around you and you will be transported to a boss arena.

In the boss arena you face off against two bosses. The bosses are the Fell Twins. Defeat both of the bosses to return to the bridge. Continue heading southeast to reach the Divine Tower of East Altus. Grab the Site of Grace nearby, then head inside and ride the elevator up. Take a right outside the tower and follow the stairs to the top. Approach the glowing orb and interact with it to restore Mogh’s Great Rune.
Once you’ve restored the Great Rune you are free to use it. To do this sit at a Site of Grace. Interact with the Great Runes option. You can equip Mogh’s Great Rune to grant a blessing of blood to phantoms. To trigger the effect of the Great Rune you then need to use a Rune Arc item. Each time you die you have to repeat the Rune Arc step.
There are more Great Runes for players to restore. Check out our other guides for help restoring Malenia’s Great Rune, Mogh’s Great Rune, Rykard’s Great Rune, and Radahn’s Great Rune.
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