How to Restore Rykard Great Rune in Elden Ring

Featured image on How to Restore Rykard Great Rune in Elden Ring guide.

Upon defeating Rykard in Elden Ring you will receive a number of items including the Rykard’s Great Rune. This Rune lies dormant until you restore it. To restore Rykard’s Great Rune you need to visit a specific location. If you are wondering where to find this location, this guide is for you. Below I walk you through how to restore Rykard Great Rune in Elden Ring.

Where to Restore Rykard’s Great Rune

Image showing where to find the Divine Tower of West Atlus in Elden Ring.

Upon defeating Rykard you will receive Rykard’s Great Rune. Once you get this item your first task should be to read its description. In the description you learn there is a Divine Tower of West Altus which stands upon the precipice at the southwest of Leyndell. This is where we want to go (shown on map above).

Reach the Top of the Divine Tower of West Altus

Image showing how to get to the Sealed Tunnel in Elden Ring.

To reach the Divine Tower of West Altus make your way to the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace on the outskirts of the capital city. From here go east and head down into the valley below. Head south through the valley to reach the Sealed Tunnel.

In order to get to the tower you need to make your way through the Sealed Tunnel. To do this I would follow HarryNinteyFour’s video. There are a number of illusionary walls and drops you need to make to reach the bottom and this video does a good job of showing the route.

Once you reach the bottom of the Sealed Tunnel you need to defeat the Onyx Lord boss. Defeat this boss and head through the boss arena to the south. You will arrive at the Divine Tower of West Altus.

To reach the top of the tower, open the door and head inside. Use the elevator to go to the upper section of the tower. Leave the evelator room to the south. Turn right and go up the stairs to reach the top of the tower. Approach the glowing orb and interact with it to restore Rykard’s Great Rune.

Once you’ve restored the Great Rune you are free to use it. To do this sit at a Site of Grace. Interact with the Great Runes option. You can equip Rykard’s Great Rune to restore HP upon attacking enemies. To trigger the effect of the Great Rune you then need to use a Rune Arc item. Each time you die you have to repeat the Rune Arc step.

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