Borderlands 3 Boss List

Borderlands 3 is all about one things, killing bosses and getting loot. These bosses you will see a lot of as you farm them for sweet gear. To help you keep track of all the bosses you will face in Borderlands 3, check out our Borderlands 3 boss list below.
- Bosses for Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot Boss List.
- Bosses for Guns, Love, and Tentacles The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock DLC.
- Bounty of Blood Bosses.
- Psycho Krieg and the Flustercluck bosses.
Pandora Bosses
Pandora is the first planet you will start on in Borderlands 3. On this planet there are a few major bosses for you to fight. The Pandora bosses are as follows
Location: Covenant Pass
Shiv is the first boss you will face off against in Borderlands 3. He can be found in the last building in Covenant Pass. He is a farmable boss.
Location: Ascension Bluff
Mouthpiece is the second boss you will fight on Pandora. He is located in the transmission center in Ascension Bluff. This boss drops a unique weapon called The Killing Word.
Pain and Terror and The Agonizer 9000

Location: Guts of Carnivora.
You will return to Pandora and will access a new area called Carnivora. In Carnivora you will fight Pain and Terror and The Agonizer 900 in an attempt to save Tannis.
Troy Calypso
Location: The Great Vault.
Drop: Double-Penetrating Occultist (Pistol).
Inside The Great Vault you will face off against Trop Calypso who is leeching power off his twin. Upon defeat a cutscene will trigger then you will be able to enter The Great Vault.
Promethea Bosses
The second planet you will head to in Borderlands 3 is Promethea. On this planet there are a number of bosses for players to fight. Check them out below.
Location: Meridian Metroplex.
You will face off against Megamind at the end of the Hostile Takeover mission on Promethea.
Location: Lectro City – The Plant
Killavolt is an optional boss you will fight during the Moxie’s quest Kill Killavolt. This boss can be found in Lectro City’s The Plant.
Katagawa Ball

Location: Skywell-27
You will face off against the Katagawa Ball boos during the Space-Laser Tag main story mission.
Katagawa Jr.
Location: Atlas HQ.
You will face off against Katawaga Jr. during the Atlas, At Last story mission.
The Rampager (Vault Boss)
Location: The Forgotten Basilica.
Drops: Stuffed Quadomizer.
You will face off against The Rampager during the Beneath Meridian story mission. It is the first Vault boss you will fight. The Vault it guards is named The Vault of The Rampager.
Athenas Bosses
After you finish Promethea, you will travel to Athenas. On this planet you will start a story mission called The Impending Storm.
Captain Traunt
Location: Academic District.
You will face off against Captain Traunt at the end of The Impending Storm story mission.
After you beat The Vault of the Rampager, you will head to the planet of Eden-6. This planet is home to Hammerlock and Jacob. So it should be familiar to many of you. On this planet there are a few bosses.
Location: The Anvil – Ultramax Spire.
You will fight the Warden at the end of the Hammerlocked story mission. This boss is a Goliath, so it can be levelled up to Godly before you kill it.
The Anointed
Location: Jakobs Manor – Theater.
As you make your way through the Jakobs Manor during the Lair of the Harpy story mission you will come across Billy, The Anointed. Like the Warden Billy is also a Goliath enemy type. When killed The Anointed turns into Ethereum. Melee it to collect your loot.
Location: Wreck of the Family Jewel.
During the mission The Family Jewel, you will fight Gen IVIV, a giant robot that has The Vault Key Fragment you need to collect to advance the story.
Location: Blackbarrel Cellars.
In the story mission Cold as the Grave you get to take on the ice queen herself, Aurelia. Pack a winter coat.
The Graveward (Vault Boss)
Location: The Floating Tomb.
Guarding the second vault you will plunder is The Graveward. The Graveward fight takes place on a raised platform and features the platform slanting intermittently during the fight. After you beat The Graveward you will receive the Eridian Synchronizer.
The final planet you will visit is called Nekrotafeyo. On this planet resides the first Vault. As you travel through the storyline on this planet you will fight some bosses.
General Traunt
Location: Desolation’s Edge.
Before you reach the Vault you will face off against General Traunt. General Traunt is the brother of Captain Traunt who we killed on Athenas.
Tyreen The Destroyer
Location: Destroyer’s Rift
Drops: Legendary Class Mods, King & Queen’s Call.
The final boss you will face off during the story is Tyreen Calipso. Tyreen will morph with The Destroyer for the final boss fight. Upon defeat of Tyreen you will gain access to The Destroyer’s Vault. Inside this Vault you will receive the Divine Retribution item which opens up tears to Mayhem.
Midnight’s Cairn
Midnight’s Cairn is a sort of trial endgame planet you can play through to complete the Maliwan Takedown mission. This mission and planet becomes accessible after you beat the game and reach level 50.
Valkyrie Squad

Wotan The Invincible

Trials Bosses
Trials are stand alone areas you will unlocks as you collect Eridian Writings. At these locations you will need to complete specific trials which end with you fighting a boss. These bosses are more beefed up version of normal enemies.
Tink of Cunning
Location: Ghostlight Beacon
The Trial of Cunning is a standalone area you can reach to complete its trial. During the trial you will reach a boss fight at the end.
Arbalest of Discipline
Location: Precipice Anchor
You will face off against the Arbalest of Discipline during The Trial of Discipline in the Precipice Anchor area.
Skag of Survival
Location: Gradient of Dawn.
You will face off against the Skag of Survival during The Trial of Survival in the Gradient of Dawn area.
Tyrant of Instinct
Location: Wayward Tether.
You will face off against the Tyrant of Instinct during The Trial of Instinct in the Wayward Tether area.
Hag of Fervor
Location: Skydrowned Pulpit.
You will face off against the Hag of Fervor during The Trial of Fervor in the Skydrowned Pulpit area.
Sera of Supremacy
Location: The Hall of Obsidian.
You will face off against the Sera of Supremacy during The Trial of Supremacy in the The Hall of Obsidian area.
Seasonal Bosses
There are a number of seasonal events planned for Borderlands 3. These events are triggered around major holidays and typically feature a boss to fight at the end. Check out the seasonal bosses below.
Captain Haunt

Location: The Heck Hole.
Captain Haunt is the boss you will fight in The Heck Hole as part of the Bloody Harvest seasonal event. This event runs around Halloween time.
Joey Ultraviolet

Location: Basement of The House That Joey Built.
The boss you face in the Revenge of the Cartels seasonal event is Joey Ultraviolet. This event runs during the summer time. While fighting Joey Ultraviolet you will faceoff against multiple underbosses (named enemies).
Check back often as we will be updating our Borderlands 3 boss list over the coming days. Thanks for reading.