BirdGut Achievement Guide

Title screen of indie game BirdGut.

BirdGut is a new, free to play title on Steam. This game features a total of 22 achievements for players to unlock while playing. To help you unlock all of these achievements, we’ve put together the BirdGut achievement guide below. Use it and prosper (or get some achievements at least).

Achievement #1: Get Eaten

  • Achievement Description: “Get eaten by the bird.”

To unlock this first achievement you need to get eaten by a bird. This is done by completing the tutorial area and reaching the employment office. At the employment office speak to the bug in the office and then you will watch a brief cutscene where you get eaten.

Achievement #2: The First of the Hidden (Esophagus)

  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the First.”

The first hidden skull is located in the bird’s esophagus. This is the area you enter after being eaten. To get the skull hug the right wall of the esophagus as you fall and you will land by a pipe. Go inside the pipe to reach the skull.

Achievement #3: The Fabulous Stomach

Reaching the stomach of the bird in BirdGut.
When you reach the stomach of the bird you will unlock this achievement.
  • Achievement Description: “Reach the stomach of the bird.”

After getting eaten you will ride a conveyor belt which determines where you are headed inside the bird. Since we are small we will get sent to the stomach. Upon arrival at the stomach you will unlock this achievement.

Achievement #4: The Second of the Hidden (Stomach)

  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Second.”

This skull is located just before the entrance to Stomach City. There is a snail which launches explosives at you. Normally you use these explosives to kill the snail and get a block. Instead stand near the entrance; get the snail to fire at you; and time your jump with the explosion so it propels you up. Here you will find the second skull.

Achievement #5: Peculiar Dwellings

Stomach City entrance in BirdGut.
When you exit this pipe in Stomach City you will unlock this achievement.
  • Achievement Description: “Reach the stomach city”

Continue making your way through the bird until you reach stomach city. This area will be reached as you advance the story of BirdGut.

Achievement #6: The Third of the Hidden (Stomach City P1)

  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Third.”

When you enter Stomach City you will pass by two dilapidated houses by the large milk carton. Instead of releasing the weight, go left and jump onto the roofs of both houses to reach the third skull.

Achievement #7: Construction and Destruction

Elevator in Stomach City in BirdGut.
Ride the elevator in Stomach City.
  • Achievement Description: “Reach the stomach city’s upper zone”

Make your way through the city and meet the head of the resistance (calls you the hatless one). Speak with the NPC until he tells you to take the elevator up. Ride up the elevator to get the achievement.

Achievement #8: The Fourth of the Hidden (Stomach City P2)

  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Fourth”

To get this skull make your way through the stomach’s upper zone until you reach an area with the charging bugs and a bunch of large crates. The bug needs to charge for you to advance. Once the large block has dropped jump onto it and go right instead of up. You will see a crate with cracks on it. Have the bug charge this crate to reveal the Skull of the Fourth.

Achievement #9: The Floor is Acid

Acid Ocean area in BirdGut.
When you reach Acid Ocean you unlock this achievement.
  • Achievement Description: ” Reach the Acid Ocean “

You will unlock this achievement as you progress the story. This area unlocks after using the crane for a second time to move some boxes. Drop into the sewer opening to reach the Acid Ocean.

Achievement #10: The Fifth of the Hidden (Stomach Ocean)

Achievement #7: The Fifth of the Hidden
Jump across the trash to reach the fifth hidden skull.
  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Fifth”

This skull is found in the Acid Ocean. It is in plain sight but is kind of annoying to get to. You need to jump across the three pieces of garbage floating in the acid to reach it. This means quickly jumping the moment you touch the garbage.

Achievement #11: Twists and Turns

Entrance to the Small Intestines in BirdGut.
Make your way through the Acid Ocean to reach the Small Intestines.
  • Achievement Description: “Reach the small intestines”

This is another story achievement. All you need to do is make your way through the Acid Ocean. After completing the Acid Ocean you will arrive in the small intestines.

Achievement #12: The Sixth of the Hidden (Small Intestines)

The sixth skull in the small intestines in BirdGut.
The sixth skull is at the end of the small intestine maze.
  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Sixth”

The sixth skull is located inside the maze portion of the small intestines. To find it follows these directions (from the first elevator you find).

  • Exit elevator right into room with boiler looking thing.
  • Drop down into next room.
  • Drop down into the next room using the furthest right drop.
  • Run right past the dropping spikes.
  • Drop down.
  • Go right and drop down.
  • Push crate left then jump on it to reach higher area.
  • Get on elevator.
  • Ride elevator to lowest floor (should see Skul).
  • Go right from the elevator and jump up.
  • Go right and jump up again.
  • You will reach the room with the skull.

If you have clearer directions for this skull, drop them in the comments. It’s a bit of a confusing area!

Achievement #13: Junk and Rubbish

Entrance of the Large Intestines area in BirdGut.
The Large Intestines entrance. Where you get the achievement.
  • Achievement Description: “Reach the large intestines”

Yet another story achievement. Finish the Small Intestines level to reach the large intestines. Once you enter the large intestines you will get this achievement.

Achievement #14: The Seventh of the Hidden (Large Intestines)

  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Seventh”

When you enter the large intestines you will have to drop an explosive to clear away gunk so you can proceed. In this area along the left wall you will see a single torch. Drop an explosive by this torch and detonate it to find the seventh skull.

Achievement #15: Armed Insects

Entrance to the Colon in BirdGut.
When you enter the Colon you get this achievement.
  • Achievement Description: “Reach the colon”

This is another story achievement. Finish the Large Intestines level to reach the Colon. Once you enter the Colon you will get this achievement.

Achievement #16: The Eighth of the Hidden (Large Intestines)

  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Eighth”

The eighth skull can be found in the Large Intestines. Head to the room with the bugs that drop bombs and the large weight in the middle. Along the left wall there is a pipe. Have the enemy drop a bomb near you then use it to launch up to the pipe. Go inside the pipe to find the skull.

Achievement #17: Big Ol’ Bombs

Entrance to the Missile Chamber in BirdGut.
Make your way through the Colon to reach the Missile Chamber.
  • Achievement Description: “Reach the Missile Chamber”

To get this you need to complete the Colon then reach the chamber with the large mantis. Defeat the large mantis and proceed to the next room to reach the missile chamber.

Achievement #18: The Ninth of the Hidden (Missile Chamber)

The ninth skull location in BirdGut.
The ninth skull is in this little room in the Missile Chamber.
  • Achievement Description: “Discover the Skull of the Ninth”

This skull is located inside the missile chamber. After you trigger stage 2, jump on the rocket on the left side of the room then jump to the room with the skull in is (you will need to shoot the board off the top to enter).

NOTE BEFORE PROCEEDING: There are three total endings achievements for you to unlock. These achievements unlock depending on the decisions you make in the Missile Control Room.

Achievement #19: Going Down with the Ship

The Launch Ending in BirdGut.
Stay in the control room while it counts down to unlock the launch ending.
  • Achievement Description: “Obtain the launch ending”

To unlock the Going Down with the Ship achievement, stay inside the room after pressing the red launch button and wait for the countdown to finish.

Achievement #20: Lose-Lose

Emergency Exit in BirdGut missile control room.
Leave using the Emergency Exit.
  • Achievement Description: “Obtain the escape ending”

To unlock the Lose-Lose achievement, DO NOT PRESS THE LAUNCH BUTTON. Instead knock the crate down from the top left corner and use it to leave via the Emergency Exit.

Achievement #21: The Hatless One

Countdown and Emergency Exit in BirdGut missile control room.
Push the button and leave during the countdown using the Emergency Exit.
  • Achievement Description: “Obtain the launch and escape ending”

To unlock the The Hatless One achievement, knock the crate down from the top left corner of the room, trigger the launch, and then exit via the Emergency Exit.

Achievement #22: Blessed

Visit the Nine option after collecting all nine skulls in BirdGut.
After collecting all of the skulls Visit the Nine.
  • Achievement Description: “Receive the Blessing of the Nine”

To get the final achievement collect all the skulls then access the Secrets option on the main menu. Select “Visit the nine” and complete the short walking section. After you’ve completed the visit you will receive the Blessed achievement.

That concludes our BirdGut achievement guide. Hopefully you found it helpful. If you are looking for some more achievement guides I’ve made check out our guides for Microtransaction Simulator, Loading Screen Simulator, and Press Any Key for a few easy ones you can 100%.

Thoughts on our BirdGut achievement Guide? Drop them in comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

1 response

  1. Nigel Finn says:

    Great guide- this helped me get all the hidden skulls.

    One minor correction to your guide though; the ninth of the hidden is located in the colon- not the large intestines.

    Thanks for the help 🙁

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