Where to Catch Necrozma in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Where to Catch Necrozma in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

One of the changes that has occurred in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is how you catch Necrozma. As you can see from this post, in Sun and Moon, you basically had to run around in a grassy field until Necrozma appeared. This has changed. Let me show you where to catch Necrozma in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon below.

Where to Find Necrozma

Necrozma can be found inside a crater on Mount Lanakila. This area is only accessible after you’ve completed all trials and are told to complete the final trial (aka the the Pokemon League located on Mount Lanakila). Inside the crater Necrozma will stay until you are ready to battle and catch it.

Catching Necrozma

Where to Catch Necrozma in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Catching Necrozma can be a bit tough, as the Pokemon is fairly strong and can easily one shot you if you are unprepared. Before you start the battle, make sure you have a number of Ultra Balls in your inventory. You should also consider making a save file in case things go sideways on you. When you are ready to fight Necrozma, approach the body and interact with it. This will trigger the fight. Like other Pokemon you’ve caught up to this point, be sure to have some type of status effect in your party.

Once you catch Necrozma, you will receive the items Ultranecrozium Z, N-Solarizer, and N-Lunarizer. Congratulations on having a relatively strong Pokemon in your party now!


Find more Pokemon in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon here

This is where to catch Necrozma in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Hope it helps! Let me know any of your strategies in The Pit below.


Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

11 responses

  1. joe espy says:

    all it took me was my Incinaroar at level 89 and 1 ultra ball. i used fire charge and it brought Necrosma straight to red and he only did like 50 damage to me with powergem.

  2. Ethan says:

    I caught it with hp in the yellow, a paralysis, and ONE normal pokéball. I honestly couldn’t relieve how easy it was to catch

  3. popstraw says:

    easy for me, but I’ve been really lucky in this game. Dwindled health down to red with primarina lvl 70 and then used one ultra ball.

  4. Jay says:

    Just use a quick ball I got necrozma first try

  5. Matt says:

    “Catching Necrozma can be a bit tough…make sure you have a number of Ultra Balls in your inventory”
    It’s actually coded in to the game to be very easy to catch. I reset the encounter many times and the most it took me was 5 pokeballs

  6. Jeff says:

    What if you deafeated him? Am I never going to get one?

  7. Rainbowgaming says:

    Not what I ment 🙁

  8. jeff man says:

    my name jeff man and i save jeff from bad jeff

  9. Kyle Cassidy says:

    You can also leave it at 1 HP and throw only ONE Beast Ball to catch it.

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