The Division 2 Federal Triangle SHD Tech Cache Locations

The second area you will head to in The Division 2 is the Federal Triangle. Like Downtown East this area has a number of SHD Tech Caches hidden about. Below you will find the Federal Triangle SHD Tech Cache locations.
Federal Triangle SHD Tech Cache Locations Map
In the Federal Triangle area of The Division 2 you will find a total of six SHD Caches. These caches give you SHD which can be used to unlock perks for your agent.
Note: To have the SHDs marked on your map, access the Safe House and interact with the computer there. This will mark points of interest on your map.
1. Behind Locked Gate Outside CERA State Building
Like other caches, this one can be located inside a gated square just outside the CERA State building. Shoot the lock to enter.
2. Stock Room of Bookstore
In the stock room of the bookstore you will find the SHD cache by the microwave.
3. Behind Locked Gate
Go to location three and look for a locked area of barbwire. Inside this square is the cache. Shoot the lock to enter.
4. Side Mission: Bureau Headquarters
Location four is a side mission that grants 5x SHD. To complete this mission you need to enter the Bureau Headquarters and make your way into the lab in the basement. Once you’ve cleared out the lab you will gain access to the Cache in the room with the dead doggos.
5. Locked Gate Outside National Archives
You will find this SHD cache in a locked gate outside the National Archives. To reach the SHD you can jump over the wall or shoot the lock off the gate.
6. In Parking Lot of the Manning Museum of Art
You will find number six in the parking lot of the Manning Museum of Art. Look for the cache by the grey town car.
That’s all the locations of all the Federal Triangle SHD Tech Caches. Once you’ve collected all of these, don’t forget to visit Coop Dennison so you can buy some Perks.