Pokémon Legends Arceus The Taste of Honey Guide

Request 57, The Taste of Honey, is a unique mission in Pokémon Legends: Arceus that explores the honey produced by Combee in different regions. Almous of the Agriculture Corps is curious about the flavor variations and tasks you with catching Combee from three different locations. This guide will help you complete the Request quickly and efficiently, so you can earn your rewards.
Request 57 Overview
- Requested By: Almous (via the Request Board in the Team Galaxy Hall)
- Description: “Almous of the Agriculture Corps has a request for you regarding the flavor of honey produced by Combee. Go speak to him and see what you need to do.”
- Objective: Catch and deliver Combee from three different areas.
- Rewards:
- King’s Leaf x3: A crafting material for certain healing items.
- Dazzling Honey x3: A honey product used to lure Pokémon.
How to Unlock Request 57: The Taste of Honey
To unlock this Request, you must progress through the main story until it appears on the professor’s Request Board in the Team Galaxy Hall. Once it’s available:
- Speak to Almous: Find Almous on Canala Avenue in Jubilife Village to learn about his interest in Combee honey and begin your mission.
- Accept the Request: Head to the Request Board and claim Request 57.
How to Complete The Taste of Honey
Almous requests Combee from three distinct named locations across the Hisui region. Here are the areas you need to visit and tips for catching Combee:
- Grueling Grove (Obsidian Fieldlands)
- Look for Combee flying around this area or check for shaking trees.
- Aipom Hill (Cobalt Coastlands)
- Search the area for Combee either flying or in shaking trees.
- Ramanas Island (Obsidian Fieldlands)
- Head to Ramanas Island and look for shaking trees, which often hide Combee.
Deliver the Combee to Almous
Once you’ve caught Combee from each of the three locations, return to Almous in Jubilife Village. Deliver the Combee one by one as he requests them to complete the request and receive your rewards.
Request 57, The Taste of Honey, is a fun and rewarding quest that lets you explore the different regions of Hisui. By following this guide, you can easily catch the required Combee and help Almous with his research. Don’t forget to enjoy your hard-earned rewards and use them wisely in your crafting adventures!
Want to take on more exciting Requests? Check out our walkthroughs for Balloon Race in the Coastlands, Playing with Drifloon, and The Taste of Home to complete even more quests and earn amazing rewards!
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