Pet Simulator 99 Updates Will Release More Often

Yesterday BIG Games released Update 9: Glitched! for Pet Simulator 99. This new update features a number of new additions to the popular Roblox experience including the starting of the two week long Glitch Event. While new additions are always welcome, one change that stood out to me in the patch notes was to how Pet Simulator 99 updates will occur in the future.
During the Pet Simulator X era, BIG Games followed a weekly update release schedule, introducing new content every Saturday morning. However, as development transitioned to Pet Simulator 99, this schedule ceased, and no further updates were released for the experience.
Fast forward to the release of Pet Simulator 99 and the studio started support with the same weekly update schedule, releasing new content every Saturday morning.
The Two Week Update Release Schedule Shift
The release schedule changed during Update 4. In the patch notes, the studio announced a switch to a new two-week release schedule for updates saying the following:
We’ve built an awesome game, and we want to keep it awesome.
Consequently, we will no longer be updating weekly.
There are several reasons for this change. Weekly updates come with sacrifices. Not just personally, but they also don’t provide us with enough time to plan and execute awesome updates every single week. This time constraint often leads to last-minute changes, making it challenging to fulfill our vision to the degree we want. Additionally, big features sometimes get pushed back because they require more than one week to implement.
Our New Approach
We’re going to try something different.
Going forward: Updates will not adhere to a fixed schedule. Instead, we will update based on content readiness. Significant updates will be released on the closest Saturday following their compleition (sic). This means weeks between updates.
BIG Games switched to a two-week schedule to offer players larger and more impactful updates. Updates following this announcement included more areas, pets, mini-games, and overall content than what could be delivered on a weekly basis.
Return to a Weekly Update Release Schedule Announced
In the patch notes for Update 9, BIG Games revealed that the bi-weekly release schedule is going to be changing once again. As of Update 9 of Pet Simulator 99, they are reverting to a weekly update release schedule:
It’s happening! We’re bringing back weekly updates!
Each week will bring something new. These updates will be themed to keep things exciting!
Stay tuned for leaks as next update is coming on May 4th!
This means from here on out every Saturday at 11am CST there will be a new update for the experience. To see hints and clues about what upcoming updates contain be sure to follow BIG Games on X.
While this is good news for players wanting to earn more Hype Eggs, it could be bad from a quality perspective. Recent updates have felt somewhat rushed and underwhelming, so moving to a weekly release schedule could further quality issues players are complaining about.
For me personally, I appreciated the weekly release schedule from Pet Simulator 99. Having something to do on Saturday mornings was fun and definitely kept me playing the game more regularly.
How do you feel about Pet Simulator 99 updates returning to weekly release schedule? Let me know in the comments below.