Low Rank Armor List – Monster Hunter World

Rarity 4 armor sets are a step above Rarity 3 sets in pretty much every statistical way. These sets require completing harder tasks to earn better material. There are a number of Rarity 4 sets in Monster Hunter: World, so let’s take a look.
Layout wise, I’ve dedicated a page to each rarity (Rarity 1 = page 1, Rarity 2 = page 2, etc.). Select the links below to jump to that Rarity page:
Rarity 4 (below)
Death Stench (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Gathered unless noted.
- Brain – 1x Sinister Cloth, 1x Warped Bone, 1x Monster Bone+, 3x Sharp Claw*
- Muscle – 1x Sinister Cloth, 2x Coral Bone, 2x Sturdy Bone, 2x Monster Fluid*
- Grip – 1x Sinister Cloth, 3x Warped Bone, 6x Sturdy Bone, 1x Lightcrystal
- Bowels -1x Sinister Cloth, 1x Warped Bone, 2x Sturdy Bone, 2x Monster Fluid*
- Heel – 1x Sinister Heel, 3x Coral Bone, 4x Monster Bone+, 1x Lightcrystal
Brigade (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Arena Earned unless noted.
- Lobos – 2x Pinnacle Coin, 2x Pukei Coin, 2x Kulu Coin, 1x Commendation
- Suit – 3x Pinnacle Coin, 2x Pukei Coin, 4x Rathian Coin, 1x Lightcrystal*
- Vambraces – 2x Pinnacle Coin, 2x Pukei Coin, 2x Kulu Coin, 1x Commendation
- Coil – 2x Pinnacle Coin, 2x Pukei Coin, 2x Kulu Coin, 1x Commendation
- Boots – 3x Pinnacle Coin, 2x Pukei Coin, 4x Rathian Coin, 1x Lightcrystal*
Ingot (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Gathered unless noted.
- Helm -2x Dragonite Ore, 2x Monster Bone+, 8x Iron Ore, 3x Machalite Ore
- Mail – 2x Dragonite Ore, 1x Monster Bone+, 8x Iron Ore, 3x Machalite Ore
- Vambraces – 3x Dragonite Ore, 1x Monster Bone+, 3x Coral Crystal, 1x Lightcrystal
- Coil – 3x Dragonite Ore, 1x Monster Bone+, 3x Coral Crystal, 1x Lightcrystal
- Greaves – 2x Dragonite Ore, 1x Monster Bone+, 3x Earth Crystal, 3x Machalite Ore
Legiana Set (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Legiana Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Mask -2x Scale, 1x Hide, 1x Claw, 2x Shamos Scale*
- Mail – 3x Hide, 2x Claw, 2x Webbing, 1x Plate
- Vambraces – 2x Hide, 2x Scale, 1x Webbing, 1x Frost Sac
- Coil – 2x Hide, 2x Scale, 1x Frost Sac, 2x Shamos Hide *
- Greaves – 2x Scale , 1x Hide, 1x Claw, 2x Dragonite Ore*
Set Bonus (3 or more pieces equipped): Legiana Blessing (Good Luck) – Good chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Odogaron Set (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Odogaron Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Helm -2x Scale, 1x Sinew, 1x Claw, 1x Warped Bone*
- Mail – 2x Sinew, 2x Scale, 1x Fang, 3x Hornetaur Shell*
- Vambraces – 2x Sineew. 2x Scale, 1x Tail, 2x Hornetaur Wing*
- Coil – 3x Sinew, 2x Claw, 2x Fang, 1x Plate
- Greaves – 2x Scale, 1x Sinew, 1x Claw, 2x Dragonite Ore*
Set Bonus (3 or more pieces equipped): Odogaron Power (Punishing Draw) – Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power.
Rathalos Set (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Rathalos Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Helm – 2x Scale, 2x Shell, 2x Wingtalon, 1x Marrow
- Mail – 2x Scale, 2x Shell, 2x Webbing, 1x Plate
- Vambraces – 2x Shell, 1x Webbing, 2x Flames Sac*, 2x Monster Bone+*
- Coil – 2x Scale, 2x Shell, 1x Webbing, 3x Monster Bone+*
- Greaves – 3x Shell, 2x Scale, 2x Wingtalon, 1x Tail
Set Bonus (3 or more pieces equipped): Rathalos Power (Critical Element) – Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Diablos Set (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Diablos Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Helm – 3x Ridge, 2x Fang, 1x Horn, 1x Marrow
- Mail – 2x Shell, 1x Ridge, 2x Horn, 3x Monster Bone+*
- Vambraces – 2x Ridge, 2x Shell, 1x Tailcase, 1x Lightcrystal
- Coil – 2x Shell, 1x Ridge, 1x Fang, 2x Monster Bone L*
- Greaves – 2x Ridge, 2x Shell, 1x Horn, 3x Monster Bone+*
Set Bonus (3 or more pieces equipped): Diablos Power (Bludgeoner) – Raise attack as your weapon loses sharpness. Also boosts ranged weapon melee attacks and odds of stunning.
Kirin Set (Rarity 4)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Kirin Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Horn – 2x Hide, 2x Tail, 3x Thunderhorn, 1x Lightcrystal*
- Jacket – 2x Hide, 2x Mane, 4x Coral Crystal*, 2x Coral Bone*
- Longarms – 3x Hide, 2x Mane, 2x Paolumu Shell*, 1x Lightcrystal*
- Hoop – 2x Hide, 1x Thunderhorn, 1x Tail, 1x Electro Sac*
- Guards – 2x HIde, 1x Thunderhorn, 2x Paolumu Shell*
Set Bonus (4 or more pieces equipped): Kirin Blessing (Capture Master) – High chance of increased capture rewards (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
More: See High Rank Armor Sets