Loverwatch Answers Guide

The starting menu of the Loverwatch Valentine's Day game.

Blizzard has released a special dating-themed in browser game players can participate in called Loverwatch. As the name of this title suggests, the game is an Overwatch themed dating experience to celebrate Valentine’s Day. In Loverwatch players go on a date with either Genji or Mercy. During this date you answer questions to get them to like you. To help you claim there hearts here is a complete Loverwatch answers guide.

How to Play Loverwatch (No Longer Available)

Before we dive into the answer guides, let me walk you through where to play Loverwatch. This experience is hosted in-browser, so you’ll need to use a browser like Google Chrome to access it.

There are some browser requirements, so head to the Loverwatch page (now inactive) to check if your current browser is compatible. If it works, you’re all set. If not, you’ll need to download and switch to a supported browser.

Once you’ve determined which browser to use, playing the game is easy. Simply click the play button to load the game. Select “Start a New Game” to begin your playthrough, where you can choose between Mercy or Genji for your first date. Throughout the date, make choices that will lead to different endings.

Mercy Correct Answers

Mercy going on a date with the player in Loverwatch.
A date option is with Mercy.

Mercy is one of the date options in Loverwatch. As a medic in both the game and this dating simulator, she brings her caring nature to the experience. While there are no “bad endings” with Mercy, you’ll want to unlock the good ending by choosing the right responses during your three dates. To help you out, here are the choices to make that will lead to the good ending:

Tell a joke at open mic (Date 1):

  • Why, doesn’t the surgeon like operating on elbows? (Good).
  • Mercy do you wan to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table? (Bad).

You take a deep breath, nod, and look back at the menu (Date 2):

  • Any answer is good.

Pick a question about Mercy -> What does being a hero feel like? (Date 2):

  • I need you Angela (Good).
  • You like being in the center of attention, huh? (Bad).
  • Fidget with your fork. (Neutral).

Her genius does not extend to the barristerial arts, if such a thing exists (Date 3):

  • Drink it enthusiastically (Good).
  • Put the cup down discreetly (Bad).
  • Let me make another pot. Yours smells like someone tortured coffee beans to death (Good).

She blushes Pink Mercy pink (Date 3):

  • Date. I’m Angela’s date (Good).
  • I can’t believe this volunteering stuff got me a chance to meet Ana Amari (Neutral).
  • I’m just helping out Angela for the day (Good).

During these key interactions, be sure to select the “Good” options. Doing so will help you either become friends with Mercy or take your relationship further. Unlocking the good ending also grants you Mercy’s Angel Overwatch 2 rewards bundle.

Genji Correct Answers

Genji out on a date with the player in Loverwatch.
A date option is with Genji.

Genji is another date option in Loverwatch. As a mysterious cyber-ninja, he brings a unique vibe to the experience. While there are no “bad endings” with Genji, you’ll want to unlock the good ending by choosing the best responses during your three dates. To help you out, here are the choices that will lead to the good ending:

Well? Say something! And remember, your choices will affect how he feels about you (Date 1):

  • …I really like your outfit (Good).
  • …I saw you when I came in, and I just figured I would come say hello (Neutral).
  • … do you need healing? (Neutral).

Tell a joke at open mic (Date 1):

  • Tell a joke about ninjas (Good).
  • Tell a joke about cyborgs (Good).
  • Tell the funnies joke you know (Bad).

In that case, what will you order for dinner? (Date 2):

  • Order off the kids menu (Good).
  • Order Genji’s favorite food (Good).
  • Order the most expensive dish (Bad).

What do you do to cheer Genji up? (Date 2):

  • Reassure him (Good).
  • Hold his hand (Good).
  • Beat up whoever was mean to him (Bad).

What did you think of the hike? (Date 3):

  • It was worth it to be here with you (Good).
  • It was a breeze (Good).
  • It really wasn’t worth it (Bad).

Well… what do you think? Can one know their true self? (Date 3):

  • Yes, they can (Good).
  • I’m not sure, but you can try (Good).
  • I don’t really care (Bad).

During these key interactions, be sure to select the “Good” options. This will help you either become friends with Genji or develop a deeper connection. Unlocking the good ending also grants you Genji’s Peace Overwatch 2 rewards bundle.

Loverwatch Secret Ending

Hanzo as Cupid in Loverwatch.
There is a secret Hanzo ending you can unlock.

Once you’ve unlocked both good endings with Mercy and Genji, you’ll unlock the special ending. To access it, go to the game’s main menu and select the “New Game” option. Instead of starting a new game, you’ll be transported to the realm of love with Cupid (aka Hanzo). During this interaction, there’s only one question you need to answer correctly.

Date 1: I don’t know what to say, except…

  • You were my soulmate all along (Good).
  • I couldn’t ask for a better wingman than you (Neutral).
  • You’re the third option? (Bad).

Select the good option in this interaction to unlock the good ending with Cupid. This ending unlocks the Cupid’s Arrow rewards pack for Overwatch 2.

How to Claim Loverwatch Rewards

Loverwatch reards page.
The rewards screen on the main menu.

The rewards you unlock for completing the Mercy, Genji, and Cupid (Hanzo) dates are Player Icons, Titles, and Highlight Intros you can use in Overwatch 2. To use these items you need to do a few steps:

  1. Claim Rewards from Loverwatch main menu Reward screen.
  2. Login to Battlenet on top right of browser.
  3. Allow permission required pop-up.
  4. Customize in Overwatch 2 via Career Profile > Customization > Mercy, Genji, or Hanzo > Special category.

One thing to note about the rewards is that it may take up to 48 hours for them to appear in your account. Before you panic wait that period of time to see if they arrive. If they don’t visit the Overwatch support site.

Thoughts on our Loverwatch answers guide? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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