How to Get Fossil Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon

Image showing the four fossil Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.

In Pokémon Sun and Moon, ancient fossils bring prehistoric Pokémon back to life. If you’re looking to add these fascinating creatures to your team, our guide will walk you through how to get fossil Pokémon in Alola.

Step 1: Obtain Fossils in Pokémon Sun and Moon

To begin your adventure with Fossil Pokémon, you’ll need to acquire the fossils first. Head to Konikoni City, located at the southwestern point of Akala Island.

You’ll visit this location as part of the main story. Once in Konikoni City, find Olivia’s Jewelry Shop, marked with a hammer sign. Inside, you’ll meet two merchants: one sells evolution stones, while the other (an elderly man) offers fossils.

Depending on your version of the game, he will sell you:

  • Pokémon Sun: The Skull Fossil and Cover Fossil.
  • Pokémon Moon: The Plume Fossil and Armor Fossil.

Purchase the fossil corresponding to your version and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Visit the Fossil Restoration Expert

Now that you have your fossil, it’s time to bring the Pokémon inside back to life. To do this, head to the Pokémon Center on Route 8. There, you’ll find a forest path leading off to the right. Follow the path and you’ll come across Fossil Man (an unofficial nickname for this solitary character), who resides in a trailer deep within the woods.

Talk to Fossil Man, and he’ll offer to revive the fossil you’ve obtained. In no time, you’ll have a new Pokémon added to your team, along with entries in your Pokédex!

Fossil Pokémon You Can Get

In Pokémon Moon, you can revive the following Fossil Pokémon:

  • Archen (from the Plume Fossil) – Evolves into Archeops.
  • Shieldon (from the Armor Fossil) – Evolves into Bastiodon.

In Pokémon Sun, you can revive:

  • Cranidos (from the Skull Fossil) – Evolves into Rampardos.
  • Tirtouga (from the Cover Fossil) – Evolves into Carracosta.

Bonus Tip: Breeding Fossil Pokémon

Although you can only acquire one fossil per trainer from the merchant, you can breed Fossil Pokémon. This allows you to get additional fossils and fill your team with more of these ancient creatures!

Now that you know how to get Fossil Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can add some ancient and powerful creatures to your Pokédex. With just a few simple steps, you’ll have revived Pokémon like Archen, Cranidos, and others, all waiting to join your team!

Looking to catch Cosmog or Mimikyu, or solve the Team Skull password puzzle? Check out our quick guides for step-by-step help with getting these Pokémon and cracking the puzzle in Pokémon Sun and Moon!

Thoughts on our how to get Fossil Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon guide? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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