Borderlands 3: Regaining One’s Feet Guide

Borderlands 3 has introduced a fresh batch of story-based DLCs, and The Handsome Jackpot brings with it a unique side quest called Regaining One’s Feet. This quest takes place in The Chump Slots, located within The Handsome Jackpot casino, and offers a fun and rewarding experience. This guide will walk you through each step, from meeting All-In Allan to defeating Golden Bullion and claiming your reward!
1. Start the Quest by Speaking to All-In Allan
To begin the Regaining One’s Feet side quest, head to The Chump Slots in The Handsome Jackpot casino. On the west side of the area, you’ll find All-In Allan near the slots. The quest marker will guide you to his location, but for easier navigation, drop down to the lower floor and take the stairs to the west to reach him.
2. Find Bruce the Deuce
Once you speak with Allan, he’ll send you to find an NPC named Bruce the Deuce. He can be found on the floor below, near the southeast corner of The Chump Slots. Bruce will be stuck between two slot machines, and unfortunately, he’s dead. You’ll need to loot his body for the Lucky Horseshoe Trinket (charm), which is essential to move the quest forward. Pick it up, and the next part of the quest will be unlocked.
3. Collect Two Good Luck Charms
The next objective is to find two Good Luck charms hidden around The Chump Slots. These charms are marked on your map once the objective is triggered, so they’re easy to locate. The two Good Luck charms are:
- Silver Skag Figurine: This charm is located on the lower floor, in the northwest corner of The Chump Slots. You’ll find it on a table next to a dead bandit. Pick it up to collect one of the Good Luck charms.
- Lucky Hat: This charm is located on the upper floor, along the east side of the room. Look for a dead bandit wearing a Claptrap mask. The Lucky Hat will be sitting on the floor beside them.
4. Return the Charms to Allan
Once you’ve collected both the Silver Skag Figurine and the Lucky Hat, return to Allan to complete the next step. He’ll reward you with some cash, but the fun doesn’t end there. Allan will ask you to decorate him with the three charms you’ve gathered: the Lucky Horseshoe Trinket, the Silver Skag Figurine, and the Lucky Hat. Stand back and watch as Allan puts them to use (or doesn’t!)—this will trigger the next part of the quest.
5. Defeat Golden Bullion
After the charm exchange, a new objective will pop up. You’ll need to meet and defeat Golden Bullion and his gang. To find Golden Bullion, head to the Bullion’s Cube area, which is located upstairs on the east side of The Chump Slots. As you enter, you’ll trigger a conversation between Allan and Golden Bullion, and after that, you’ll need to take down Golden Bullion and his minions.
Once you’ve defeated him, don’t forget to loot his body for the Lucky Foot. This is the final item you’ll need to complete the quest.
6. Give Allan the Lucky Foot
Head back to Allan with the Lucky Foot, and he’ll take a chance at the slot machine. If all goes well, he’ll hit the jackpot! Collect the cash that drops, and you’ll be rewarded with the All-in Epic Shield, the final reward for completing the side quest.
For more helpful guides, check out our detailed lists of Carnivora Trivia Answers, a complete breakdown of all story missions in Borderlands 3, and all the Moxxi tip rewards to earn as you progress through the game. These resources will help you fully explore the game, complete every challenge, and unlock all rewards.
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