Arm Wrestle Simulator Rebirth and Super Rebirth

The Arm Wrestle Simulator Rebirth and Super Rebirth gameplay mechanics are very important systems players should know. These systems allow players to increase their underlying Strength greatly which allows them to take on harder bosses. To learn more about these systems see our complete Rebirth and Super Rebirth guide below.
What Does Rebirth Do in Arm Wrestle Simulator
Rebirth is a very special system players can use in Arm Wrestle Simulator. This system allows you to trade Wins for a better underlying Strength multiplier. This multiplier helps you grow stronger by increasing the amount of overall Strength your character has.

To use the Rebirth system push the Rebirth icon on the left of the screen. When you push this button you are taken to the Rebirth screen. On this screen you will see the cost of the the current Rebirth and the Strength Stat increase and Title/Nickname you gain from doing it.
Now before you start it is important to note there are some costs to with the Rebirth system. The first cost is Wins. Each time you Rebirth it costs you Wins. The amount of Wins it costs increases each Rebirth, with latter tiers being very expensive. The second cost is that you lose all of your current Strength. This means when you Rebirth you go back to 0 strength in all three categories, but get to keep everything else like Trails and Wins.
To make your way through the various Worlds of Arm Wrestle Simulator you want to Rebirth constantly. This system greatly increases your Strength, making you much stronger than you would be otherwise. If you don’t want to Rebirth manually you can purchase Auto Rebirth from the shop using Robux to have it done automatically for you.
What Does Super Rebirth Do in Arm Wrestle Simulator

As you use the Rebirth system you will unlock Super Rebirth. Super Rebirth works like Rebirth, but more extreme. When you use Super Rebirth you reset your stats, Trails, Wins, and Worlds all back to 0, but you keep your Arms. In return for this sacrifice you receive a Super Rebirth Token Currency. This token has two very important uses:
- Purchase upgrades from the Super Rebirth Store.
- Gives +100% Total Strength to your character as long as you hold it. Can be stacked.
The Super Rebirth Store contains upgrades to Extra Lucky, +1 Pet Equip, Walk Speed, Pet Storage, and Enchant Luck. Each time you upgrade a category the cost of the next upgrade in that category increases. Many of these upgrades are fairly overrated, but they are there if you want to spend your currency.
Instead of buying from the Super Rebirth Shop you should be focusing you attention on the +100% Total Strength increase. As you can stack this currency you can build up a very large Total Strength multiplier. This increasing Total Strength makes each subsequent Super Rebirth reset faster, and allows you to become stronger much quicker.
Using both the Rebirth and Super Rebirth systems are the key to getting stronger faster in Arm Wrestle Simulator. You need to use both to ensure your Strength is scaling how it needs to to complete the various Worlds and NPC boss fights.
Occasionally the developers give away free stuff. Be sure to check out the Arm Wrestle Simulator Codes list we’ve put together. This list features all active codes for players to use in-game to unlock a variety of rewards and buffs.
This post is part of a larger Arm Wrestle Simulator wiki and guides hub. Check out that page for more guides like this one. These guides will help you in your Strength building journey.
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Hello, I am pro in armrestle simulator i have 400 with something tdc and so strong pets