Where to Find Farfetch’d in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield

There are a number of Pokemon available for players to catch in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Some of these Pokemon are new additions while others are fan favorites from previous generations. One of the fan favorites making a return is Farfetch’d. If you want to catch a Farfetch’d for yourself, consult the where to find Farfetch’d in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield guide below.
Farfetch’d Can Be Found Along Route 5

You can find Farfetch’d along Route 5 in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Note that Farfetch’d is a rare spawn with chances of it appearing being only around 5%. I stumbled upon it in the tall grass on the east side of the bridge. If you are wanting to catch a Farfetch’d for yourself you want to have a number good Poke Balls in your inventory before you head out since it can be a tough catch. If needed bring along a Pokemon that can deliver a statue effect like sleep to make catching it easier for you.
Farfetch’d Pokedex Entry

Farfecth’d is a Wild Duck Pokemon that is a Fighting-type. This Pokemon is in Galarian Form which makes it look different from other generations. The Pokedex entry for the Farfetch’d in this game is as follows:
The Farfecth’d of the Galar region are brave warriors, and they wield thick, tough leeks in battle.
Farfetch’d has an evolution form called Sirfetch’d.
That’s everything you need to know about where to find Farfetch’d in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Happy hunting for this wild duck.
MORE: where to find Toxel.