The Division 2 White House SHD Tech Cache Locations

The White House area is the first area you will reach in The Division 2. In this area there is a Base of Operations as well as some activities. Like other areas there are SHD Tech Caches you can find. These ones are unmarked. Check out the White House SHD Tech cache locations below.
White House SHD Tech Cache Locations Map
1. Saints People’s Church Living Quarters

You will find this SHD Tech cache in the living quarters of the Saints People’s Church. To get inside, head to the back alley which is located on the north side of the building. Look for some scaffolding. Climb the scaffolding and head inside. Here you will find the cache as well as a Founding Father.
2. On Rooftop in Alleyway on corner of H St NW and 17th St NW
To get this SHD Tech cache make your way to the alleway that is located near the corner of H St and 17 St. Go down the alley and look for a “Help the Geniuses of the Future Cargo Van.” Climb onto the van and follow the roof pathway until you reach the area pictured above. Here you will find the cache.
3. On Rooftop of Ticket Stand
Head to location three and you will find a ticket stand to the Hall of Presidents. The SHD Tech cache is located on the ticket stands roof. To reach the roof, climb up the air conditioning unit on the back.
4. Behind Locked Door in Sewers
The final SHD Tech cache is located in the sewers behind a locked door at the area marked on the map above. To open the door simply shoot the lock off and go inside.
Next: Downtown East SHD Tech cache locations.