The Division 2 West Potomac Park SHD Tech Cache Locations

As you progress through The Division 2, you’ll reach West Potomac Park around levels 19–23. This area contains several SHD Tech caches that you can collect to unlock valuable skills and perks. This guide will show you where to find every SHD Tech cache in West Potomac Park and how to access them efficiently.
How to Mark SHD Tech Caches on Your Map
To make locating these caches easier, interact with the agent’s computer inside The Shop Safe House. This will mark all available SHD Tech locations on your map, making them easier to track down.
West Potomac Park SHD Cache Tech Locations Map
West Potomac Park features a number of SHD Tech caches for you to collect. Use the map above to get the general idea of where to find each cache. More detail on each spot can be found below. I omit the Main Mission since you have to playthrough them.
1. Souvenir Shop Basement
- Location: Basement of a souvenir shop.
- How to Access:
- Head to the north side of the building.
- Look through the window to find a locked door on the west side.
- Shoot the lock, then enter the building.
- Go downstairs, and you’ll find the cache near some beds.
2. On Top of a Shanty
- Location: On top of a shanty structure.
- How to Access:
- Go to the watchtower with the large American flag east of the shanty cluster.
- Climb up the watchtower and use a scoped weapon to shoot the lock on the shanty door (northwest of the tower).
- Run around to the northwest side of the shanties and look for a yellow tarp you can climb.
- Climb up, drop down, and enter the now unlocked door to find the cache.
- Video guide available by ZaFrostPet for an easy method.
3. Side Mission: Drone Crash Site
- Location: Inside the Medical Tent during the Drone Crash Site side mission.
- How to Access:
- Complete the Drone Crash Site side mission in West Potomac Park.
- You will earn 5 SHD Tech upon completion.
4. Inside a Fenced Area
- Location: A fenced-in section near a trailer.
- How to Access:
- Approach from the east and locate the trailer along the fence.
- Climb onto the trailer, then onto the roof.
- Shoot the lock on the door, then drop down inside the fenced area.
- The SHD Tech cache is against the building.
5. Inside a Fenced Area in Camp
- Location: A small camp area inside a locked fence.
- How to Access:
- Find the locked gate on the south side of the fenced area.
- Shoot the lock, then go inside to grab the SHD Tech cache.
6. Underground: Behind a Locked Gate
- Location: Underground, inside a locked room in the sewers.
- How to Access:
- Use either the north or south Underground Entrance near the body of water.
- Navigate through the sewers until you reach a large room with stairs.
- At the bottom of the stairs, find the locked gate.
- Shoot the lock, then go inside to collect the cache.
7. Underground: Maintenance Room
- Location: Underground, in a maintenance room.
- How to Access:
- Use the southeast Underground Entrance off Henry Bacon Dr NW.
- Travel north through the tunnel until you reach a large room.
- Go upstairs, then take a left.
- Look for an Echo near a doorway.
- Enter the room to find the SHD Tech cache.
8. By a Construction Trailer
- Location: Inside a fenced area containing a construction trailer.
- How to Access:
- Go to the west side of the fenced area and look for a break in the fence.
- Through the gap, aim at the locked door and shoot the lock.
- Enter the area and grab the SHD Tech cache.
That covers all the SHD Tech cache locations in West Potomac Park. Use these caches to unlock valuable skills and perks at the Base of Operations, helping you enhance your Agent’s capabilities.
If you’re looking to collect even more SHD Tech, be sure to check out our Foggy Bottom SHD Tech cache locations guide. It covers every cache in the area with detailed instructions to help you find them quickly and efficiently. Happy hunting, Agent!
Thoughts on our West Potomac Park SHD Tech Cache locations guide? Drop them in the comments below.
Solution for #2 does not work any longer. It was patched. You can’t climb onto that trailer. You need to climb up the nearby tower and do it from there.
Hello, I do not see a lock to shoot for “8. By Construction Trailer” Is it yellow like the other shootable locks have been? Thanks
Oh, NM thanks for info. Found it.