The Division 2 Skills List

The Division 2 features a number of different skills for you Agent to utilize in the battlefield. These skills offer different advantages over your enemies and can be helpful in a number of situations. Let’s take a closer look at The Division 2 skills in the list below.
The Division 2 Skills (8 Skill Platforms in Total)
The skills in The Division 2 become accessible after you watch the first cutscene in the White House. Once you are done this cutscene you will be tasked with meeting the Quartermaster. The Quartermaster is the point of contact for changing purchasing skills and perks.
There are a total of eight skill platforms you can purchase. Within each Skill platform there are Skill Variants. These variants change how the Skill Platform works. The different variants of each skill are:
Pulse (3 Variants)
- Scanner: The Scanner pulses the surrounding area for hostiles and visually highlights them on the agent’s HUD.
- Remote: The remote is deployed at a set location and continually pulses the nearby area for hostiles and visually highlights them on the agent’s HUD.
- Jammer: The jammer pulses outwards, overloading and disabling hostile electronics.
Turret (3 Variants)
- Assault: The assault turret automatically tracks and attacks hostile targets, but this behaviour can be manually overridden to target a specific enemy.
- Incinerator: The incinerator turret is manually controlled by the deploying agent to dispense streams of flame in a forward-facing cone.
- Sniper: The sniper turret fires high-caliber rounds at manually selected targets.
Hive (4 Variants)
- Restorer: The restorer hive sends out micro repair drones that expend themselves to repair allies armor.
- Stinger: The stinger hive sends out micro drones that attack and distract nearby enemy targets.
- Reviver: The reviver hive deploys small drones that revive nearby downed allies.
- Booster: The booster hive delivers a stimulant to nearby allies that increases their combat efficiency.
Chem Launcher (4 Variants)
- Reinforcer: The reinforcer canister disperses a cloud of gas that repairs and reinforces the agent’s allies’ armor.
- Firestarter: The firestarter canister creates a cloud of explosive gas that can be ignited through explosives, weapon fire, etc.
- Riot Foam: The riot foam gas canister fires a payload of sticky foam that immobilizes targets.
- Oxidizer: The oxidizer canister releases a cloud of corrosive gas that damages enemy armor, skill proxies and causes damage over time.
Firefly (3 Variants)
- Blinder: The blinder firefly blinds enemies that it passes over, causing them to be unable to function at full combat effectiveness.
- Burster: The burster firefly attaches explosive charges to targets that detonate if two are in close proximity.
- Demolisher: The demolisher firefly damages or destroys enemy weak points, skill proxies and environmental explosives.
Seeker Mine (3 Variants)
- Explosive: The explosive seeker mine can be deployed to track down hostiles and explode on reaching close proximity.
- Airburst: The airburst seeker mine rolls toward its target, and launches an explosive burst into the air on reaching close proximity.
- Cluster: The cluster seeker mine splits into smaller seekers and track down enemies, exploding when reaching proximity.
Drone (4 Variants)
- Striker: The striker tracks targets and attempts to maintain line of sight while continuously firing.
- Defender: The defender attempts to deflect incoming bullets from a sonic emitter mounted beneath the drone.
- Bombardier: The bombardier requires that an agent set two points, and then deploys a payload of miniature explosives between them.
- Fixer: The fixer replenishes nearby allies’ armor, or can be manually targeted on a specific ally.
Shield (3 Variants)
- Bulwark: The bulwark shield provides near full-body coverage, but its’ bulk means that only sidearms may be used while it’s equipped.
- Crusader: The crusader shield is a lighter shield that allows all primary weapons to be equipped while it’s equipped, but exposes the agent’s legs.
- Deflector: The deflector shield causes incoming bullets to ricochet to a nearby highlighted target with a clear line of sight to the agent. Though not a full-body shield, lack of a brace means that only a sidearm may be used alongside the shield.
That’s all The Division 2 skills. I will update this list as more information about each skill is uncovered. For now, tell me which of the skills and variants are gonna be on your build.
See all the perks of The Division 2.