Starfield: Visit the London Landmark

Starfield is full of planets to visit, but one of the most interesting is Earth. Many popular locations on Earth can be visited by players as part of special activities. One of the special locations that players can visit is the London Shard Tower. To learn how to visit the location and get the Snow Globe there, see our Starfield visit the London Landmark guide below.
How to Start the Visit the London Landmark Activity in Starfield
To activate the London Landmark Activity in Starfield, players must track down a specific book. This book is fittingly Oliver Twist. There are a few ways you can go about getting this book for yourself. They include the following methods:
- Grab off the shelf in your parent’s apartment if you have the Kid Stuff trait.
- Grab off shelf in apartment you break into during the Alternating Currents quest in The Well on Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system.
- Purchase from Sinclair Books in Akila City on Akila in the Cheyenne system.
Once you’ve acquired a copy of Oliver Twist you will immediately trigger the Visit the London Landmark activity. To complete this activity you must visit the landmark and collect the snow globe there.
Where to Find the London Snow Globe in Starfield
The London Snow Globe is located at the London Landmark on Earth in the Sol system. Your map automatically marks this location for you to visit when you obtain Oliver Twist. Go to this location and head to the rock cluster on the backside of the tower. Sitting on the rock you will find the London Snow Globe. Pick it up to end this questline.
This is just one among several landmarks that players can discover on Earth. Make sure to refer to our comprehensive Earth Landmark guide to locate all ten of them along with their corresponding Snow Globes.
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