Stardew Valley Villager Birthdays List

Image showing the Calendar in Stardew Valley with special dates highlighted including birthdays of the Villagers.

In Stardew Valley there is a day and month system that is important to keep track of. Besides special events players also want to be aware of the villagers birthdays. Birthdays are special days, because giving the villager whose birthday it is a gift on that day gives bonus friendship points. To keep track of the days here’s a complete Stardew Valley Villager birthdays list.

When are the Villager’s Birthdays in Stardew Valley?

To keep track of the important days in Stardew Valley players can use the calendar next to the notice board on Pierre’s store. Once they get far enough there is a special calendar item that can be acquired from Robin to hang in your house. Alongside these two options, the table below can be used to track the birthdays in-game.

KentSpring 4 (starts 2nd year)
LewisSpring 7
VincentSpring 10
HaleySpring 14
PamSpring 18
ShaneSpring 20
PierreSpring 26
EmilySpring 27
JasSummer 4
GusSummer 8
MaruSummer 10
AlexSummer 13
SamSummer 17
DemetriusSummer 19
DwarfSummer 22
WillySummer 24
LeoSummer 26 (Update 1.5)
PennyFall 2
Elliot Fall 5
JodiFall 11
AbigailFall 13
SandyFall 15
MarnieFall 18
RobinFall 21
GeorgeFall 24
KrobusWinter 1
LinusWinter 3
CarolineWinter 7
SebastianWinter 10
HarveyWinter 14
WizardWinter 17
Evelyn Winter 20
LeahWinter 23
Clint Winter 26

Why You Should Always Give Gifts on Birthday’s in Stardew Valley

Birthday gifts in Stardew Valley are especially important for building friendships. When you give a villager a gift they love on their birthday, you get a big boost of 8 friendship points, compared to just 1-3 points for regular gifts. This makes birthdays a great opportunity to strengthen your relationships with villagers!

To make your birthday gift giving life easier you want to acquire the Statue of Endless Fortune from the Casino. This statue supplies you with the item the villager loves most on their birthday.

Check out more guides like this one in our Stardew Valley guide and walkthrough hub. Here you will find all of the guides that we’ve written for this game.

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