Home Ec Final Answers – Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Once you’ve completed all six classes of a subject you are able to take a final exam. This final exam tests you knowledge on everything learned during the class. The test tasks you with answering a total of 5 questions. To pass you need to ensure you’ve answered a certain amount of questions correctly. To help you pass here’s the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Home Ec final answers guide.
Home Ec Finals Answers for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

The final exam for Home Ec tests you knowledge of everything you’ve learned in the Home Ec class at Naranja/Uva Academy. This means you will be tested on things like cooking, meal powers, academy rules, and Pokemon care.
To pass this test you need to score at least a 4/5 on the final to pass. Like the previous questions you’ve done, you will be presented multiple choices. Choose the correct answer from the choices to input it (video guide). The correct answers to the Home Ec final are:
Home Ec Final Question 1
Q. Which of the following Meal Powers makes it easier to come across Shiny Pokemon?
A. Sparkling Power.
Home Ec Final Question 2
Q. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Egg Power?
A. It helps hatch strong Pokemon.
Home Ec Final Question 3
Q. What is a simple yet important tactic for increasing the effectiveness of Meal Powers?
A. Make food with others.
Home Ec Final Question 4
Q. What is the correct action to take when your adorable Pokemon become dirty?
A. Pokemon Wash.
Home Ec Final Question 5
Q. This is a question about academy rules. Should you change your uniform tops and bottoms to properly match each season?
A. It doesn’t matter.
Once you’ve finished inputting your answers for the final exam you return to the Entrance Hall. Here the receptionist gives you your final grade. For passing the exam you receive 5x Exp Candy M.
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