Pokemon Legends Balloon Race in the Fieldlands Guide

Once you unlock the ability to ride Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus you can complete Request 15. Request 15 comes from an NPC in the Heights Camp. Speak to this NPC to learn about the race and add it to your Requests list. To help you complete this Request use our Pokemon Legends Balloon Race in the Fieldlands guide below.
Request 15 Notes
- Requested By: Balloon Race (Heights Camp).
- Description: “The man running the balloon race in the Obsidian Fieldlands has issued you a challenge. You’ll get a special reward if you manage to burst 17 balloons.”
- Target: 17x Balloons.
- Rewards: Rare Candy x1; Feather Ball x15.
Where to Start Balloon Race in the Fieldlands (Request 15)
You can complete this Request after you’ve received the Celestica Flute during the Main Story Mission 7: The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods. In the Heights Camp speak to the man to learn about the race. Agree to compete in it to begin the race. The goal is to pop 17 balloons within the
Burst 17 Balloons in 45 Seconds
To complete the race you need to burst a total of 17 balloons within a 45 seconds. The balloons you need to pop are all along the path in front of you. To speed up hold B and when a balloon is in the air, jump using Y. It is fairly simple to complete this race since you can try again as many times as you want.
- Note: If you pop all 30 Balloons in a run you receive a special reward of a Nugget.
To complete the Request all you need to aim for is 17 balloons popped. Once you hit the mark the Request ends and you receive you rewards. If you wish you can continue replaying the race to try for perfection.
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