Pokemon Go Ditto Disguises Pokemon

Pokemon Go Ditto.

In Pokemon Go players can catch the shape-shifting Pokemon Ditto by finding in one of many different Pokemon disguises. These disguises change regularly and should be known if you are trying to catch a Ditto for yourself. To help you keep track of the current Pokemon Go Ditto Disguises Pokemon, see our guide below.

What Are the Current Pokemon Go Ditto Disguises Pokemon

To catch a Ditto in Pokemon Go you cannot simply find one in the wild. Instead you need to find it by encountering one of its active disguise Pokemon. The disguise Pokemon change regularly and are announced by Niantic so players to be on the lookout for them. For the month of March 2023 the Ditto disguises are:

  • Diglett
  • Grimer
  • Snubbull
  • Corphish
  • Starly
  • Roggenrola
  • Tympole
  • Litleo 

To catch a Ditto, keep an eye out for any of the listed Pokémon.. If you see one be sure to engage it. You may encounter a Ditto, or better yet, a shiny Ditto!

How to Find Shiny Ditto

Finding a shiny Ditto comes down solely to luck. With that said the chances of encountering a shiny Ditto are slightly higher than that of other Pokemon. The Silphroad has some interesting numbers regarding the shiny appearance of Ditto you may with to consult before heading out to shiny hunt. One thing to keep in mind is that if you see a shiny disguise Pokemon it will not be a Ditto.

For more help with Pokemon Go be sure to check out our other guides. In them we discuss the active Raid schedule and the current Spotlight Hours.

Thoughts on the Pokemon Go Ditto Disguises Pokemon for this month? Drop a comments below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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