Pokemon Go Raids & Mega Raids Schedule

Pokemon Go Raids & Mega Raids Schedule

One of the hardest pieces of Pokemon Go content is participating in Raids & Mega Raids. These events task you with fighting specific Pokemon that are typically rare and challenging. There are two types of raids that occur each month on a set schedule: Five-Star Raids and Mega Raids. You will find the current Pokemon Go Raids & Mega Raids schedule below.

Five-Star Raids Schedule (May 2023)

Pokemon Go Five-Star Raid schedule May 2023.
Five-Star Raids Schedule May 2023. Image via Niantic.

The first type of raid we will take a look at is 5-Star Raids. During these raids you team up with groups of other Trainers to take on powerful Pokemon you normally wouldn’t encounter. To keep these raids fresh, Niantic cycles new raid Pokemon each month to allow players to catch rare Legendaries. While the raid Pokemon are active below you can take part in their raids to capture them. Each raid listed below has a 10am local start and stop time.

Tapu BuluYesApril 17-May 2
Genesect (Shock Drive)YesMay 2-9
Tapu FiniYesMay 9-24
RegigigasYesMay 24-June 1

Raid Hours

During the month the Five-Star Raid Legendaries will hold a Raid Hour. The Raid Hours occur each Wednesday of the week at 6-7pm local time. While the Raid Hours are active the raids will only have the featured Legendary Pokemon in them. This makes it the prime time to take part in raids if you are looking to score some Pokemon and their respective candies. The Raid Hours schedule for this month is:

Genesect (Shock Drive)YesMay 3
Tapu FiniYesMay 10
Tapu FiniYesMay 17
RegigigasYesMay 24
RegigigasYesMay 31

Mega Raids Schedule (May 2023)

Pokemon Go Mega Raids schedule May 2023.
Mega Raids Schedule May 2023. Image via Niantic.

The second type of raid we will take a look at is Mega Raids. During these raids you team up with groups of other Trainers to take on powerful Pokemon you normally wouldn’t encounter. To keep these raids fresh, Niantic cycles new Pokemon each month to allow players to fight Pokemon in their Mega-Evolution forms. Completing these battles earns you Mega Energy, which is used to obtain and trigger Mega Evolutions for your own Pokemon. Each raid listed below has a 10am local start and stop time.

Mega SlowbroYesApril 17-May 2
Mega ScizorYesMay 2-11
Mega PinsirYesMay 11-24
Mega AltariaYesMay 24-June 1

Each month there is a new set of raid Pokemon announced. This page updates to reflect those announcements. Be sure to comeback and check it regularly as new information is released by Niantic and the Pokemon company.

There are other Pokemon Go events that take place each month. See our other guides: Spotlight Hours schedule for help in keeping track of those events. Also check out our guide to the currently active Ditto disguises.

Thoughts on the Pokemon Go Raids & Mega Raids Schedule this month? Drop your comments below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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