NBA 2K22 Penthouse Guide, How to Unlock and Where is It?

In The City in NBA 2K22 players earn a special experience called MVP Points. These points unlock a variety of things including the game’s best property, the Penthouse. To learn more about this expensive property see our NBA 2K22 Penthouse guide below.

How to Unlock the Penthouse

Image showing how to unlock the Penthouse in NBA 2K22.

The Penthouse is unlocked when players earn a total of 1,000,000 MVP Points. There is a special City MVP quest that becomes acitve once you’ve acquired the second apartment in the game. This quest keeps track of the City MVP Points you earn. To earn points you will need to complete the following activies:

  • Daily Quests.
  • Personal Brand questlines (Fashion + Music).
  • Career quests.
  • Season quests.

To reach the 1M mark focus on your personal brand. Both of the end quests involving music and fashion payout 100k MVP Points each. Completing these questlines will net you some serious points towards unlocking the Penthouse.

Once you do reach 1M you will unlock a quest called A Room with a View. This quest tasks you with meeting Ricky at the Penthouse in the City. My quest was bugged and not appearing so I simply used Fast Travel to reach the Penthouse front. Once there head inside to trigger a cutscene in which you take ownership of the place.

Where is the Penthouse in the City?

The Penthouse is located to the north of the large building in the center of The City at the map marker shown above. This puts it more to the northside of the social hub than the previous two apartments you get during MyCAREER. One interesting aspect of the Penthouse is the inclusion of the Zipline which I go into more details on below.

What Does the Zipline Do in NBA 2K22

Image showing the NBA 2K22 Zipline.

The Zipline is a special addition players get alongside the Penthouse. This form of transportation allows players to zip to one of the four Affiliation zones allowing them to fast travel around The City. To use this service you can interact with the front door of the Penthouse or the Penthouse exit door. This pulls up a list of the Affiliates. Select which affiliate zone you wish to go to to Zipline there. While on the Zipline you can Show-Off using special animations from the animations menu.

That’s all you need to know about NBA 2K22 Penthouse. This luxury apartment can be yours if you grind you way through the campaign while knocking off various missions.

Thoughts on our NBA 2K22 Penthouse guide? Drop them in the comments below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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