South Park The Fractured But Whole: Native Heritage Guide

Native Heritage Badge.

In South Park: The Fractured But Whole, the Bring The Crunch DLC introduces the Native Heritage Merit Badge, earned by crafting the Dream Catcher artifact. This guide will walk you through everything you need to gather and craft the Dream Catcher, helping you earn this Merit Badge in no time.

Native Heritage Badge Requirements

To unlock the Native Heritage Merit Badge, you’ll need to craft the Dream Catcher artifact. This requires three items hidden throughout Camp Tardicaca, and they’re easy to find if you know where to look.

Items needed:

  • 3x Crow Feathers
  • 1x Shoelace
  • 1x Paper Plate

Let’s break down where you can find these items.

Collecting Crow Feathers – Burial Grounds

Start by gathering the Crow Feathers. You’ll find three crows near the entrance of the Burial Grounds. Here’s where they are:

  1. Two crows perched in the trees near the “No Trespassing Tardicaca Burial Grounds” sign.
  2. One crow sitting on the post beside the “Keep Out” sign.

Use your firecracker to scare the crows, and they’ll fly off, dropping the feathers. Grab the feathers from the ground once they’ve flown away.

Collecting the Shoelace – The Misty Forest

Shoelace on tree branch.
Before you enter the Burial Grounds, you should see a pair of shoes on a branch up high. Shoot it and grab the shoelaces out of them.

The next item you’ll need is a Shoelace, which can be found just before entering the Burial Grounds. Look up into the trees, and you’ll see a pair of shoes hanging from a branch. Shoot them with your firecrackers to make them fall. Once they hit the ground, loot the shoes to collect the shoelace you need.

Collecting the Paper Plate – Old Mines

Paper Plate on machine.
You will find the Paper Plate in the toolbox on top of the generator in the Old Mines.

The final item required for the Dream Catcher is a Paper Plate. Head to the Old Mines and look for a generator on the far right. On top of this generator, you’ll see a toolbox. Shoot the toolbox to knock it down, then interact with the loot on the ground to collect the Paper Plate.

Crafting the Dream Catcher Relic

Dream Catcher Relic.
Once you’ve acquired all the materials necessary you can craft the Dream Catcher Artifact.

With all the materials collected, it’s time to craft your Dream Catcher. To do this, head to your Crafting menu and select the Artifacts tab. Scroll down to find the Dream Catcher, and hit “Craft” to create it.

Earning the Native Heritage Badge

Once the Dream Catcher is crafted, head over to Fastpass at Camp Tardicaca to receive your Native Heritage Merit Badge. This badge is part of your journey to upgrade the Sash of Ultimate Merit, so be sure to complete it if you’re aiming for 100% completion.

For more tips on the Bring the Crunch DLC, including the Paranormal Investigation Badge, check out our full guides to help you complete all challenges!

Thoughts on our Native Heritage guide? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

1 response

  1. Fuckoff says:

    Hey dipshit you didn’t tell them where to actually find the artifact recipe way to half ass it.

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