Borderlands 3 Maurice’s Black Market Location & Inventory

Featured image on Maurice's Blackmarket Vendor Location guide for Borderlands 3.

In the Director’s Cut expansion of Borderlands 3, Gearbox introduces a new merchant addition: a legendary vending machine known as Maurice’s Black Market. This unique vending machine offers a weekly rotation of legendary weapons, shields, and grenades, making it a sought-after destination for Vault Hunters. To help you keep track of Maurice’s Black Market location and inventory, we’ve put together the guide below.

Location on this page last updated for February 27, 2025 reset

What Time Does Maurice’s Black Market Refresh

The Maurice Black Market vending machine changes locations and updates its inventory every Thursday at 9 am PT. When it moves to a new area, the items available for sale from it change accordingly. It can be found in the new area for the full week until the next Thursday.

Where is Maurice’s Black Market Vending Machine Today

Maurice’s Black Market today is on the planet of Pandora, in the Konrad’s Hold named location. To pinpoint this unique vendor, refer to the marked location on the map above.

When you reach the map area listen for the sound of Maurice coming from the vending machine. Typically it is out in the open and fairly simple to find. If not you may need to look for it along walls or behind other items.

What’s For Sale at Maurice’s Black Market Vending Machine Today

Once you’ve located the machine you can use it by approaching it and interacting with it. Doing this opens a special menu featuring items you can purchase using Cash. The items he sells in the vending machine change each week, making him a useful vendor.

This week’s inventory at Maurice’s Black Market is:

  • Scoville
  • Ten Gallon
  • Widowmaker

That’s all you need to know to locate Maurice’s Black Market vending machine this week. Remember that the vending machine’s location and inventory refresh at 9 am PT every Thursday, so be sure to check back on this page weekly for the latest updates.

If you’re on the lookout for more Borderlands 3 treasures, don’t miss our compilation of Borderlands 3 Shift Codes. These codes offer straightforward ways to acquire new weapons and gear to enhance your Vault Hunting experience.

What are your thoughts on our Maurice’s Black Market location guide? Did you buy anything? Feel free to drop your comments below, and happy hunting!



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

5 responses

  1. slope game says:

    I can’t seem to find Maurice’s Black Market vending machine.

  2. Jack Thacker says:

    YES. There is a problem. The Blackmarket machine appear like the Rare creatures. You fight your way to the machine and it’s not there!! Aggravating!!! I spent an hour last week reloading my game and the machine never appeared.

  3. Tkan says:

    The vending machine is not spawning like it should. It’s randomly reappearing after 30 minute intervals or continue game play (no game pausing actions).
    I’ve tries switching characters, changing PS4 accounts, restarting the PS4 and leaving different areas them coming back after 30 minutes of play. Nothing is triggering the respawn. Is there a known problem/fix for this?

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