Luigi’s Mansion 3: All 12F Gem Locations – Collected All Spectral Catch Gems

On the twelfth floor of the Last Resort you will find the area called Spectral Catch. This area is accessible after you acquire Super Suction. Once you have this new ability you are able to suck the large ship out of the way. Like other floors there are six gems to collect. To find all Spectral Catch gems consult the 12F Gem locations guide below.
Yellow Gem Location: Elevator Hall
In the right side of the Elevator Hall there are three hanging balls. Shoot something (like Yellow Toad or the Globe behind the bar) at the balls to reveal the Yellow Gem. The globe can be accessed via the pipe in the wall with the Super Suction outlet.
Blue Gem Location: X Spot on Elevator Hall
When using Super Suction on the ship suck up the white rug to the right to reveal a red X on the floor. Go over to the X and jump to reveal the Blue Gem.
White Gem location: Grotto Lounge
Upon entering the Grotto Lounge head to the left and use your Dark Light on the crate there. This reveals a flag. Use the rope to raise the flag. Once raised you will receive the White Gem.
Red Gem Location: Mermaid Statue on Beach
On the left side of the Beach there is a mermaid statue on a small island. Suck up coconuts off the trees here and shoot them at the statue (take 3 shots). Once you’ve destroyed the statue a ghost will appear. Destroy the ghost to get the Red Gem.
Purple Gem Location: Buried on Beach
From the entrance of the beach head to the right and make your way to the edge of the sand. Use your Dark Light to reveal a bridge. Walk across the bridge to the small island. Vacuum on this island to reveal the Purple Gem.
Green Gem Location: Chest Hidden on Beach
Face the other island from where you got the Purple Gem. Use your Dark Light to reveal a second bridge over to the other island. Vacuum up the sand to reveal a chest. Open the chest to get the Green Gem.
Collect all six of the gems above to unlock the Collected All Spectral Catch Gems achievement. You will want to get this achievement if you are 100% the game.