Jyuratodus Guide: How to Hunt, Defeat, and Craft Gear


In Monster Hunter: World, you’ll face monsters that dominate the land, sky, and even water. Jyuratodus falls into the latter category, lurking in the swamps of the Wildspire Waste. To track this muddy menace, look for its Sticky Mud and Footprints scattered throughout the area. This Jyuratodus guide will cover its weaknesses, attack patterns, and strategies to help you bring it down efficiently.

Jyuratodus Overview

Jyuratodus Physiology screen.
Physiology features a breakable head, tail, fin and back.
  • Difficulty: Hard (⭐3)
  • Location: Wildspire Waste
  • Size: Large
  • Species: Piscine Wyvern
  • Weaknesses:
    • Water (⭐3) – Only when covered in mud
    • Thunder (⭐3) – Only when NOT covered in mud
  • Breakable/Severable Parts:
    • Weak Points: Tail, Head
    • Breakable: Body, Fin

Jyuratodus Rewards & Carves

Low Rank Drops

MaterialRarity ⭐
Jyuratodus Scale⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jyuratodus Shell⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jyuratodus Fin⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jyuratodus Fang⭐⭐⭐
Aqua Sac⭐⭐⭐
Monster Bone (M)⭐⭐⭐

High Rank Drops

MaterialRarity ⭐
Jyuratodus Scale+⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jyuratodus Carapace⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jyuratodus Fin+⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jyuratodus Fang+⭐⭐⭐
Torrent Sac⭐⭐⭐
Wyvern Gem
  • Reward Money: 3,240 z
  • Storyline Quest: Sinister Shadows in the Swamp
  • Quest Description: “A young scholar has gotten separated from his escort in the Wildspire Waste. Find him and escort him back to base. Neutralize any large monsters that pose a threat.”

Jyuratodus Characteristics

Jyuratodus is a large Piscine Wyvern that thrives in swampy areas. It coats itself in mud, using it as armor and a weapon to trap prey. Jyuratodus is highly territorial and is known to clash with Barroth over hunting grounds.

Useful Information

  • Fighting Jyuratodus in water is difficult due to limited mobility.
  • Try to lure it onto land where it becomes easier to handle.
  • Its mud armor reduces damage, but using Water element attacks or your Slinger can strip it off faster.

Jyuratodus Fight Guide

Main Mechanics

  • Mud Armor: Jyuratodus covers itself in mud for extra defense.
    • While covered in mud:
      • Water element becomes super effective.
      • Thunder element is ineffective.
    • How to remove the mud:
      • Hit Jyuratodus with Water element attacks.
      • Use Slinger ammo to chip away at the coating.
      • Wait—it will eventually fall off over time.
  • Mud Traps: Jyuratodus spreads mud across the battlefield using:
    • Mud Spit (large or small blobs)
    • Tail Whip (leaves mud behind)
    • Falling Mud (from its own body during the fight)
    • If caught in mud, roll repeatedly to escape.
  • Waterblight (Status Effect):
    • Reduces stamina recovery speed.
    • Denoted by a water droplet icon above your health bar.
    • Use a Nulberry to cure the effect.

Jyuratodus Attacks

In Water Attacks

Submerge/Re-emergeDives underwater and resurfaces violently at the hunter’s position. Can pass through solid ground.
Mud SpitRears up and spits mud blobs. Can be a single large blob or several smaller ones.
Spin AttackSpins vertically, dealing damage to nearby hunters.
Lunge BiteLunges forward to bite the hunter.
Tail WhipSwings its tail, leaving mud behind.

On Land Attacks

Charge AttackCharges straight at the hunter.
Head BashSlams its head into the ground.
Lunge BiteSimilar to its water attack, lunges forward for a bite.

Fight Tips & Strategy

  1. Lure Jyuratodus Onto Land
    • Fighting it in water is difficult due to limited mobility.
    • Coax it onto dry ground where it has fewer attack options.
  2. Bring Water or Thunder Weapons
    • Use Water weapons to strip the mud armor quickly.
    • Use Thunder weapons when Jyuratodus isn’t covered in mud.
  3. Stock Up on Nullberries
    • Waterblight slows down stamina recovery—bring Nullberries to counteract this.
  4. Clear Out Gajau First
    • Gajau (small monsters) can interrupt your fight—take them out before engaging Jyuratodus.
  5. Attack During Mud Coating Animation
    • Jyuratodus will pause to recoat itself in mud—attack during this vulnerable moment for a free stagger.
  6. Stagger It with Head Hits
    • Jyuratodus is very easy to stagger.
    • Land charged attacks on its head to interrupt its attacks.
  7. Use SOS If Needed
    • If you’re struggling, send an SOS flare to summon help from the MHW community.

Jyuratodus Armor Sets

Low Rank Jyuratodus Armor (Rarity 2)

ArmorMaterials Required
Helm2x Scale, 1x Shell, 1x Fin, 3x Gajau Skin
Mail2x Shell, 1x Fin, 1x Fang, 1x Aqua Sac
Vambraces2x Shell, 1x Fang, 2x Gajau Whisker
Coil2x Scale, 1x Shell, 1x Aqua Sac
Greaves3x Shell, 2x Fang, 2x Fin, 3x Earth Crystal

High Rank Jyuratodus α+β Armor (Rarity 5)

ArmorMaterials Required
Helm4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Fin+, 6x Gajau Scale
Mail4x Scale+, 3x Fin+, 2x Fang+, 2x Torrent Sac
Vambraces4x Carapace, 3x Fang+, 2x Grand Gajau Whisker, 3x Monster Keenbone
Coil4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Torrent Sac
Greaves4x Carapace, 2x Fang+, 2x Fin+, 1x Wyvern Gem


Image of Jyura Set α Palico.
The Jyura Set α on my Palico.
  • Sword – 1x Fang+
  • Helm – 1x Fin+
  • Mail – 1x Scale+

That wraps up our Jyuratodus guide! If you’re looking for your next hunt, consider tracking down Tobi-Kadachi, a fast and electrifying foe that requires quick reflexes and smart positioning. Check out our Tobi-Kadachi guide for strategies, weaknesses, and tips to take it down efficiently!

Thoughts on our Jyuratodus guide? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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