How to Get Lollipops in Animal Crossing New Horizons

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On Halloween in Animal Crossing New Horizons there is a special NPC called Jack that will visit your island. Jack wants you to give him two items: candy and lollipops. Candy is fairly easy to acquire while lollipops take a bit more leg work. To learn more here’s our how to get lollipops in Animal Crossing New Horizons guide.

Give Candy to Villagers for Lollipops

If you haven’t been stockpiling candy this section of the Halloween event in Animal Crossing New Horizons will take a bit of extra work. To get lollipops you need to give candy to your fellow villagers. To do this either speak to villagers you see outside of their homes or wait for them to come up to you. Each villager will trick-or-treat you meaning you can give them a treat (candy) or get tricked. To get a lollipop you will want to give them candy. You won’t receive a lollipop every-time you give candy, but you will receive something like a piece of festive furniture. Simply keep giving out candy to villagers until you receive a lollipop for your efforts.

That’s all you need to know about how to get lollipops in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Getting lollipops is necessary if you wish to get all items Jack can give you during Halloween. Just remember to keep giving away candy until you eventually receive this item.

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