How to Get Cobalion in The Crown Tundra

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In the Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield The Crown Tundra expansion there are a number of legendary Pokemon for players to find and capture. One group of these legendary Pokemon are tied to Sonia. In this group players can catch a GSteel Fighting type called Cobalion. Learn more on how to get Cobalion in The Crown Tundra guide below.

Find 50 Tracks of Iron Will Pokemon

Image showing tracks left in the Crown Tundra.

When you leave Freezington for the first time you will run into Sonia. Sonia is visiting the Crown Tundra to research a few Pokemon. While speaking to Sonia she will point out a set of tracks by a tree. Your character we go over and inspect them, introducing you to the system of finding these tracks for investigations.

Once the cutscene is over you will want to find a total of 50 sets of Iron Will Pokemon footprints. These footprints appear as sort of shiny-blue on the ground when you see them. The area you want to explore to find these tracks is in the Roaring-Sea Caves. When you do find a set be sure to look around as they often form a bit of a trail which can result in you racking up a sizable amount in no time at all.

Upon finding your fiftieth pair of tracks you will have completed the first step in finding Cobalion. The next step is locating the animal which is where Sonia comes into play. Return to Sonia in Freezington and speak to her about the Evidence to track down this legendary’s location.

Where to Find Cobalion

Remember: Stock up on supplies before taking on Cobalion. Capturing these Legendaries can be challenging, so ensure you have an abundance of Pokeballs in your inventory.

Sonia will narrow done the location of for you after you’ve collected 50 sets of tracks. Sonia tells you that Cobalion can be found wandering around in the Frigid Sea area of the Crown Tundra. Make your way to this area and search for Cobalion who will now be walking around on one of the small islands. Once you do find Cobalion simply approach it to start a battle. You will want to catch this Pokemon to complete Sonia’s quest.

When you’ve finally caught Cobalion head back to Sonia in Freezington. Speak to her to receive a gift for catching this legendary Pokemon. Check out more guides like this in our Crown Tundra hub.

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