Honkai Star Rail Opportunities Makes the Thief (Part 2)

After you’ve gathered the enough exhibits for the Everwinter City Museum Ledge of Curiosities you will unlock the second part of the events main story mission. This second part is called Opportunity Makes the Thief (Part 2). This mission tasks you with finding an artifact that was stolen from the museum. To help you complete this mission use our Honkai Star Rail Opportunities Makes the Thief (Part 2) guide below.
Speak with Pela in the Museum
When this mission is unlocked your first objective is to speak with Pela in the museum. Make your way to the lobby reception area and you will find Pela standing there. Approach her and speak to her. After this interaction Pela goes to the Industrial Hall and you get a new objective to meet her there.
Head to the Industrial Hall
Head from the lobby area of the museum and go to the Industrial Hall. In this area there will be a quest marker on the floor. Stand on the marker to trigger an interaction with Pela. During this interaction she mentions that a sculpture called Gears and Wisdom is supposed to be in the empty spot you are standing in front of. Pela says thieves took it and that there is clues to its whereabouts in the Underworld’s Robot Settlement.
Ask Clara About the Situation in the Robot Settlement
At the Robot Settlement your first order of business is to speak to Clara. Head over to Clara and speak to her. Clara says that robots in the Robot Settlement are malfunctioning. This malfunction does not appear to be hardware related, which means something else is going on. Clara suggests you investigate the robots.
Investigate the Malfunctioning Robots
Once you’ve spoken to Clara you will trigger a new objective to investigate the malfunctioning robots. These robots are located around the Robot Settlement area. Go to the first robot and approach it. You will trigger a fight. Complete the fight and Clara will inspect the robot. Inside she finds a strange component taken from Gears and Wisdom.
Collect Art Pieces
After you’ve defeated the robot and learned about the spare component you need to head down the lift to the Energy Conversion Station area. Here you will encounter more enemy robots. Defeat the robots in battle to collect art pieces. To get all of the pieces you must defeat the enemies marked by quest markers. Once you’ve collected 13/50 you will need to solve a special puzzle.
Paralyzed Automaton Grizzly Solution
To speed up the process you decide to gather less pieces than needed and substitute the rest. This means you only have to get 40 pieces. To do this you have to repair a paralyzed Automaton Grizzly. The solution to this puzzle is shown on the screenshot above.
Head to Savrog’s Residence
You still don’t get enough pieces from the Automaton Grizzly so you decide to go and speak to Mr. Savrog. Head to the upper location and approach Savrog who is standing with two children. As you approach you will trigger an interaction. The children have a batch of parts from the museum’s sculpture.
Return to the Museum and Re-Assemble Gears and Wisdom
Make your way back to the museum. Go to the Industrial Hall exhibit area where you met Pela and interact with the quest marker there. This causes you to rebuild Gears and Wisdom. This allows the Industrial Hall to be opened to the public. You also get Clara as a hired assistant and 50000x new development funds.
This ends the quest. Once you’ve completed the quest speak to Eris to unlock the new hall. Unlocking it allows you to do more quests and activities to get artifacts. Check out our Opportunities Makes the Thief (Part 3).
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