Fallout 76: Wayward Souls Guide

In the new Wastelanders update for Fallout 76 Bethesda has added NPCs for players to interact with out in the wasteland. The first set of NPCs you will meet are called Isela and Lacey. These NPCs are part of a quest called Wayward Souls. To help you complete this new quest use our Wayward Souls guide below.
Where to Speak to Lacey
To start the new Wayward Souls mission you need to emerge from/make your way to Vault 76. Head to the south of the vault and make your way down the steps until you reach two NPCs standing beside each other. These NPCs are Lacey and Isela. Speak to Lacey (the right NPC) about Vault 76 to complete the first portion of the quest and have The Wayward marked on your map.
Where to Find The Wayward
After you’ve spoken to Isela and Lacey you will be prompted to head to The Wayward. This location should be marked on you map. It can be found to the southeast of Vault 76 north of the Overseer’s Camp.
At The Wayward enter the red door to go inside the Team-Only Interior. As the name of this location suggests this building is accessible only by you and your teammates. You can also make story choices in this location that have impacts on your play-through.
Deal with the Attacker in The Wayward and Speak to the Duchess
When you enter The Wayward for the first time you will trigger the next objective which is to deal with the attacker. To do this head into the bar area to trigger a dialogue sequence. Use either Perception, Charisma, Luck, or Attack to deal with this enemy. Once this is complete speak to the bartender named Duchess. Talk to the Duchess about the treasure to complete the quest-line and start the Hunter for Hire quest.
This is just one of the many new additions available in the Fallout 76 update. Some other additions you will find include the Elusive Crane, Strength in Numbers, and a new legendary weapon merchant the Purveyor.