Fallout 76: The Elusive Crane Guide

Once you’ve setup security in the Strengths in Numbers mission in Fallout 76 the Duchess will tell you more about Crane’s treasure. This triggers a new mission called The Elusive Crane. To help you complete The Elusive Crane use our guide below.
Follow Duchess & Wake Crane

At the start of The Elusive Crane mission the Duchess will head upstairs and will open the locked door there. Follow the Duchess upstairs to meet a chained up Crane. Wake up Crane to trigger a sequence between SOL the Duchess and Crane. After the sequence you will be able to select what to do with Crane. If you explore more dialogue you will learn about Crane and the fake he hasn’t hurt anyone up to this point. With that said SOL bent on killing Crane so you can either let him go, kill him, or let SOL kill him.
Where to Find Crane’s Treasure?

After you’ve decided what to do with Crane interact with his body to receive the map and keycard. This map and keycard is for the Gauley Mine. Make your way to the mine when ready and head inside. Follow the train tracks through the mine until you reach the area you met SOL. Head down the stone tunnel to the right so you reach the mechanical room with the hole in the floor. Inside this room look for the cage and enter the code: 071990. Head into the cage and use the keycard on the locked red door to reach the ROBCO AUTO-CACHE #001.
Inside the ROBCO AUTO-CACHE #001 use the key card to open the door and enter the office. Make your way through the office and either head through the cage to the right and travel through the hole in the wall until you reach the control room or open the locked door next to the entrance to the cache (+1) instead. In the control room hack the terminal and register your Pip-Boy. Go down to the cache entrance to open it. Walk through the cache to the end and enter the room there. Go up to the podium to get a token you can use in any of the following Auto-Cache machines:
- Energy Weapon.
- Shotgun.
- Rifle.
- Pistol.
- Unarmed.
- Two-Handed Melee Weapon.
- One-Handed Melee Weapon.
When you decide on the weapon you want insert the token into the corresponding machine to get it. Upon getting your weapon return to the Duchess at The Wayward.
If you made a deal with the bandits to share the treasure they will be waiting at The Wayward. During this standoff you can give them the weapon or choose to kill them (alongside a number of other stat options). After this showdown speak to Dutchess to end the quest sequence at The Wayward. Completing this quest will unlock a new quest from the Overseer called The New Arrivals.
I have restarted my x-box multiple times, the 2nd door still won’t open.
Same here, 2nd door won’t open. Wouldn’t you think they would have fixed this with so many posts online about it?
The second door won’t open even though I got the keycard what do I do?
Used the card to get past the first gate but it won’t let me get through the second door.
Restart game