Destiny 2 Eververse Featured & Bright Dust Items

In Destiny 2 players can purchase a number of cosmetic items through the Eververse store at the Tower. These items provide no game impacting bonuses, but allow you to take your customization options to the next level. To help you know what’s currently in the shop, check out our weekly updated Destiny 2 Eververse Featured & Bright Dust items list below.
Note: The Eververse store updates on every Tuesday at 10 AM PST during the weekly reset. The Eclipsed Zone also resets at the same time.
What Are the Eververse Featured Items in Destiny 2 Today?
For sale in the Eververse Featured Item Shop there are a number of items. These items can be purchased using the game’s currencies of Silver and Bright Dust. Silver is mainly acquired by paying real world money while Bright Dust can be earned. You can buy Silver in increments of 500/1000/2000/3000/4000/5000. With this Silver you can buy the following items:
Weekly Silver Items Offerings for Sale
Item | Description | Price (in Silver) |
Victory Jam | Exotic Emote | 1000 |
Ardent Adoration | Legendary Consumable | First is free then 800 |
Interstellar Warfare Emotes Bundle | Legendary Bundle | 3700 |
Exotic Ornament | Exotic Class Ornament | 600 |
Armor Synthesis | Armor upgrade material | 300 or 1000 |
Recommended Items | Rotating Recommended Item | Varies |
Featured Bright Dust Items for Sale
Item | Description | Price (in Bright Dust) |
Concentrated Mattergem | Consumable that raises the chance of an Upgrade Module drop from Bosses when defeated | 200 |
Glimmershard | Consumable that raises the chance of an Upgrade Module drop from Bosses when defeated | 250 |
Pied Piper | Legendary Emote | 700 |
Stormweaver | Exotic Ship | 2000 |
Sterile Neutrino Effects | Legendary Transmat Effect | 450 |
Boreal Char | Legendary Shader | 300 |
Meditator | Legendary Shader | 300 |
What Bright Dust Items Are For Sale in Destiny 2 Today?
The items shown above can be found under the Bright Dust tab in the Eververse stores. These items are purchased using the Bright Dust currency. Like the featured items these items switch out weekly.
Bright Dust Shop Items for Sale
Item | Description | Price (in Bright Dust) |
Venus Flytrapped | Exotic Emote | 3250 |
Exotic Ornament | Exotic Class Ornament | 1500 |
Jade Weft | Exotic Vehicle | 2500 |
M3-D1 Valkyrie | Exotic Ship | 2000 |
Halcyon Visage | Exotic Vehicle | 2500 |
Ancient Hunger | Exotic Weapon Ornament for Touch of Malice | 1250 |
Hive Ghostly Projection | Legendary Ghost Projection | 1500 |
Unspun Fate | Legendary Transmat Effect | 450 |
Stasis Entrance | Legendary Transmat Effect | 450 |
Tiger Effects | Legendary Transmat Effect | 450 |
Bright Dust Shop Shaders & Consumables for Sale
Item | Description | Price (in Bright Dust) |
Amethyst Bloom | Shader | 300 |
Royal Welcome | Shader | 300 |
First Light | Shader | 300 |
Smashing Success | Shader | 300 |
Concentrated Mattergem | Consumable that raises the chance of an Upgrade Module drop from Bosses when defeated | 200 |
Glimmershard | A shard with the ability to generate Glimmer during combat. Effect lasts 4 hours | 250 |
Every week I will update this page when the store refreshes. Check back on this page often for new Eververse deals. You can also follow us on Twitter for details on the weekly reset as well.
Thoughts on the Destiny 2 Eververse Featured and Bright Dust Items? Drop them in comments below.
Can we still buy the guardian games armour for bright dust?
Yeah you still can. I assume it will be available until the event ends in mid-May.
I dont think “legend of borealis” is a weapon my guy, its just borealis.
Thanks. Mortal Shell on the brain. Should be fixed now.
I’m pretty sure the ding emote isn’t in there, it’s the comfort dance emote that’s up right now
You are missing a whole tab of items. The fourth tab. The ball or blob one. You’ve been missing it every week. It’s driving me nuts because you come up first on a Google search, yet you never have the info I want.
I have since added the Bright Dust offerings. Thanks.