Everything in the Spring Blossom Event – Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter World is currently holding a seasonal event dubbed the Spring Blossom Fest. During this seasonal event there are a number new things that have been added to Monster Hunter World. To keep track of everything that has been added, I’ve put together this guide of everything in the Spring Blossom Event. The event itself lasts from April 6 – 19. With that out of the way, let’s get started.
Login Bonus + Blossom Fireworks
As part of the Spring Blossom Fest, Hunter’s receive some added bonuses when they collect their daily login bonuses. First up is a an additional Lucky Voucher (meaning you receive two per daily login bonus). Second are Blossom Fireworks, which are cosmetic fireworks you can send off while out on a hunt (these go to your Item Box and are the Pink Barrels). Lastly you will receive a Spring Blossom Ticket which can be given to the Elder Melder to make more Blossom Fireworks.
Poogie and Handler Costumes
When you load up Astera for the first time after downloading the Spring Blossom update, you may notice that both your Poogie and the Handler look a bit different. This is because both have been given new outfits to celebrate the Spring Blossom Event. Your Poogie will automatically have on the Buzzy Bee costume (as the name suggests, it makes it look like a bee), and the Handler has on the Busy Bee Dress.
Note: If you wish to change Poogie’s costume, simply interact with it and select the Change Clothes option . To change the Handler’s Outfit, talk with your Housekeeper and select the Change the Handler’s Outfit option.
New Gestures, Hairstyles, and Sticker Packs (DLC)
Alongside the new outfits for the Poogie and Handler are a number of new gestures, a couple of hairstyles, and a couple of Sticker Packs for Hunter’s to pick up if they so desire. All the new gestures you can pick up can be found below:
- Air Splits
- Gallivanting Dance
- Spin-O-Rama
- Feverish Dance
- Passionate
- Interpretive Dance
- Windmill Whirl
- Suat Day
The two new haircuts that can be grabbed for free are the The Admiral and The Handler. The new sticker packs include the Research Commission Set and the Endemic Endemic Life set (Paid DLC).
New Blossom Armor Set
Another new thing you will find inside the Spring Blossom Event is the Blossom Armor Set. This set comes in both the Low Rank and High Rank variety and can be acquired by spending Spring Blossom Tickets along with Earth Crystals (for Low Rank) and Carbalite Ore (for High Rank). The sets themselves are Rarity 3 + 5. As you can see by looking at the pictures above, the female Blossom Set is just okay looking (imo). Alongside the Blossom Set is a new Palico Set called the Butterfly set. This set makes your Palico look like a Butterfly.
Queen Beetle or Butterfly Armor Sets
Besides the Spring Blossom armor set, Capcom also delivered a couple of familiar sets you may have seen before. While these sets have typically been gender specific, Capcom has now provided a way for you to get the Queen Beetle set (female hunters) and the Butterfly set (male hunters). Both sets can be acquired by completing a specific Arena challenge.
More: How to unlock either the Queen Beetle set or Butterfly set.
Wyvern Ignition Greatsword
Besides a new armor set, Hunter’s are also receiving a new Greatsword to acquire called the Wyvern Ignition Greatsword. This community made weapon is acquired by completing an event called “Every Hunter’s Dream”. As you can see, the weapon is far more futuristic looking than previous weapons we’ve seen in Monster Hunter World. It features an interesting looking set of thrusters on the backside of the blade which fire when charging you attacks. I really like this new weapon.
More: How to unlock the Wyvern Ignition
Vendor Sales
During the Spring Blossom Event, you will find the vendors will sell items at a discount. This means you can stock up on things like the Large Barrel Bombs for cheap. Items for sale are denoted by the medal to the right of them on the buy screen (most items are on sale). You will also notice that vendors like the Botanical Research Center and the Elder Melder are also offering items for lower prices.
All Past Events are Available
There have been a number of events which have occured since Monster Hunter World dropped back in January. Most of these events were on a short timer, meaning you probably missed a few. While the Spring Blossom Event runs, you will be able to access all previous Events that have occured in Monster Hunter World. This means you will be able to get the Aloy gear, Street Fighter gear, or whatever else you may have missed. Thanks Capcom!
Gathering Hub is Festive
The last part of the Spring Blossom Event I will point out is that the Gathering Hub has been decorated for the occasion. As you can see, all the NPCs and the area itself are way more festive than normal. There’s also a giant Poogie in the center, because why not?
More: Monster Hunter World walkthroughs and guides.
See that Bungie? That’s how you do a festival event.
Yeah. Capcom did a really good job on this. Excited to see what else they do in the future.