Elder Dragons in Monster Hunter: World – A Complete Guide


Throughout the main storyline of Monster Hunter: World, you’ll hear much about the mysterious and powerful Elder Dragons. These rare monsters have existed since ancient times and are capable of devastating ecosystems. As you reach High Rank in the game, you’ll be tasked with hunting several of these terrifying creatures. Each Elder Dragon presents a unique set of challenges, from their elemental strengths to their devastating attacks. This guide will provide you with key information on each Elder Dragon, including their weaknesses, where to find them, and the best strategies to take them down.

Zorah Magdaros Details

Firing the Binder.
Zorah Magdaros.
  • Difficulty: 6⭐ (This difficulty rating can be misleading)
  • Location: Everstream (Accessible via storyline)
  • Size: Huge
  • Species: Elder Dragon


  • Water: 3⭐
  • Dragon: 3⭐

Key Characteristics

Zorah Magdaros is a massive Elder Dragon that resembles a living volcano. Its appearance is extremely deceptive, as normal attacks will barely make a dent in its thick, rocky exterior. To defeat Zorah, you’ll need to use the environment to your advantage, such as using cannons or ballistae. The “magmacore” heat organs exposed in some parts of its shell are vulnerable and should be targeted.

Useful Tips

  • Utilize Ballistae and Cannons: Since normal weapons won’t be effective, make sure to focus on using the cannons and ballistae available during the fight.
  • Target Magmacores: These heat organs are exposed in certain areas of its shell. Take them out to weaken the Elder Dragon.

Nergigante Details

  • Difficulty: 8⭐
  • Location: Elder’s Recess
  • Size: Large
  • Species: Elder Dragon


  • Thunder: 3⭐
  • Dragon: 2⭐

Breakable/Severable Weak Points

  • Horns
  • Head
  • Front Legs
  • Tail

Key Characteristics

Nergigante is a terrifying and highly destructive Elder Dragon that appears whenever other Elder Dragons are nearby. It’s known for regenerating its wounds almost instantly, making it tough to fight. The longer you fight Nergigante, the harder its body parts become, so it’s important to attack fresh wounds.

Useful Tips

  • Focus on Fresh Wounds: Nergigante’s body parts regenerate quickly, so aim for parts that have recently taken damage.
  • Use Thunder Element: Since it’s weak to Thunder, bring along a weapon with Thunder elemental damage to exploit its weakness.

Kirin Details

  • Difficulty: 5/8⭐
  • Location: Coral Highlands
  • Size: Large
  • Species: Elder Dragon


  • Fire: 3⭐
  • Water: 2⭐
  • Ice: 2⭐

Breakable/Severable Weak Points

  • Horn
  • Head
  • Stomach
  • Mane

Key Characteristics

Kirin is a rare Elder Dragon known for its lightning-fast movements and electric powers. The lightning it generates can toughen its skin, making it difficult to damage. The key to hunting Kirin is to stagger it with Elderseal weapons, which will prevent it from charging up its lightning.

Useful Tips

  • Bring Elderseal Weapons: These weapons will prevent Kirin from charging up its lightning and will make it easier to stagger.
  • Stagger Kirin: Staggering Kirin will prevent it from using its powerful electric attacks. Focus on its mane and horn for the best results.

Kushala Daora Details

Kushala Daora.
Kushala Daora.
  • Difficulty: 8⭐
  • Location: Ancient Forest + Elder’s Recess
  • Size: Large
  • Species: Elder Dragon


  • Thunder: 3⭐
  • Dragon: 2⭐

Breakable/Severable Weak Points

  • Head
  • Front Legs
  • Tail
  • Wings

Key Characteristics

Kushala Daora is an Elder Dragon that uses wind as its primary weapon. Its wind shield grows stronger throughout the battle, eventually deflecting ranged attacks. The best way to fight Kushala is by using weapons with Elderseal capabilities, which can weaken its shield and allow for more direct attacks.

Useful Tips

  • Use Flash Pods: Flash Pods can knock Kushala Daora out of the sky, allowing you to deal massive damage while it’s grounded.
  • Target the Wings: Attacking the wings will hinder Kushala’s ability to fly, making the battle easier.
  • Use Elderseal Weapons: These weapons will weaken its wind shield, making it more vulnerable.

Teostra Details

  • Difficulty: 8⭐
  • Location: Wildspire Waste + Elder’s Recess
  • Size: Large
  • Species: Elder Dragon


  • Water: 3⭐
  • Ice: 3⭐

Breakable/Severable Weak Points

  • Head
  • Tail
  • Wings

Key Characteristics

Teostra is a brutal Elder Dragon covered in flames. It scatters black scale dust, which will explode after a short delay. The best strategy against Teostra is to stay mobile and avoid the explosions while focusing on its weak points.

Useful Tips

  • Avoid Black Scale Dust: Keep an eye on the black dust Teostra leaves behind, as it will explode after a short time.
  • Bring Water or Ice Elemental Weapons: Teostra is weak to both Water and Ice, so consider using these elements to exploit its weaknesses.

Vaal Hazak Details

Vaal Hazak.
Vaal Hazak.
  • Difficulty: 8⭐
  • Location: Rotten Vale
  • Size: Large
  • Species: Elder Dragon


  • Fire: 3⭐
  • Dragon: 3⭐

Key Characteristics

Vaal Hazak inhabits the deepest part of the Rotten Vale, where it uses the toxic vapor in the area to drain your health. This monster’s greatest danger lies in its ability to corrupt the environment around it, causing you to lose health if you inhale the vapors.

Useful Tips

  • Avoid the Toxic Vapor: Make sure to stay in areas with less toxic vapor, or use a Nullberry to clear any taint you’ve acquired.
  • Use Fire Elemental Weapons: Since Vaal Hazak is weak to fire, fire-based weapons will do extra damage.

Xeno’jiiva Guide

  • Difficulty: 9⭐
  • Location: Elder’s Recess
  • Size: Huge
  • Species: Elder Dragon


  • Weak to all elemental types: 2⭐

Key Characteristics

Xeno’jiiva is the final Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter: World. This enormous creature is a significant challenge, as it has resistance to all elements, requiring careful strategy to defeat. It also has a devastating series of attacks that will require precise timing and positioning.

Useful Tips

  • Bring Multiple Elemental Weapons: Since Xeno’jiiva is weak to all elemental types, you should bring weapons that suit your playstyle, focusing on elements to exploit its weaknesses.
  • Watch for Debuffs: Xeno’jiiva’s attacks can inflict severe debuffs, so keep an eye on your status effects and use items to counter them.

These Elder Dragons are the ultimate challenge in Monster Hunter: World, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Whether you’re dealing with Kushala Daora’s powerful wind attacks or trying to avoid Teostra’s explosive flames, understanding each dragon’s unique characteristics is the key to success. For additional tips on specific Elder Dragons, be sure to check out our full guides for each monster linked above. Happy hunting, and may your quests be victorious!

Thoughts on the Elder Dragons in the game? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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