Elden Ring The Four Belfries Teleporter Locations Guide

Featured image on Elden Ring The Four Belfries location guide.

The Four Belfries is a named locations in Elden Ring that players can find in the Liurnia region. This location features four large towers. Three of the towers have teleporters on them while one tower has a chest. If you are wondering where these teleporters go to, this guide is for you. Below I will walk your through the Elden Ring The Four Belfries location.

Where to Find The Four Belfries

The Four Belfries are located in the Liurnia region of the map. The exact location of this cluster of towers is directly northwest of Raya Lucaria. The towers are on the ridge. The path up to the location is guarded by two ethereal giants. The exact location of The Four Belfries is shown in the maps above.

Where do The Four Belfries Teleporters Go

Image showing The Four Belfries in Elden Ring.

When you reach the named location you will see four towers. Three of these towers have portals while one has a chest. To open the portals interact with the statues next to them. It requires you to have a Imbued Sword Key (Guide). I’ve numbered the towers in the screenshot above and will explain where each one goes below.

  1. Crumbling Farum Azula: End game location.
  2. Nokron, Eternal City: Takes you to the distant tower in the southeast. Can find the Mottled Necklace talisman here.
  3. Chapel of Anticipation: Tutorial area. Allows you to fight the Grafted Scion again.
  4. Chest: The fourth tower has a chest. This chest contains a Imbued Sword Key.

That’s all you need to know about The Four Belfries named location. This location is interesting to visit if you want to different locations you may not get to any other way.

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2 responses

  1. Steven says:

    Do the portals stay open or do they shut?

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