Elden Ring Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Questline Guide

In Elden Ring there is an NPC named Bloody Finger Hunter Yura located in Limgrave. This NPC has a questline players can complete that goes through the entire story. To complete this questline you need to complete different steps. To learn how to complete the Elden Ring Bloody Finger Hunter Yura questline see our guide below.
Where to Find Bloody Finger Hunter Yura (Location 1)
Yura is an NPC located in the southeast corner of Limgrave before the bridge heading to the Weeping Peninsula. This NPC is a hunter, as his name suggests. He will offer a warning to you the first time you meet. After meeting you complete the following quest steps to see his questline completed:
- Meet Yura in southeast Limgrave to the northeast of the Agheel Lake South Site of Grace in the overpass there. Speak to him and he offers you a warning regarding Agheel Lake and a dragon that resides there.
- Optional: Fight the dragon in Agheel Lake. Easiest way to get there is by going to The First Step Site of Grace then head northwest. The dragon will appear in the middle of the lake. Defeat it then return and speak to Yura. He will tell you about the Church of Dragon off the west coast of Limgrave.
- Head north in Agheel lake and follow the river. Go towards entrance to the Murkwater Cave to be invaded by Bloody Finger Nerijus. If the fight goes long enough Yura will be summoned. Defeat Nerijus. Continue north up the river to meet Yura. Speak to him there.
After you’ve done this portion of the quest, Yura moves to the next major named region of Liurnia. Here his quest continues. You can go there now or cleanup the other NPC quests in Limgrave before continuing.
Where to Find Bloody Finger Hunter Yura (Location 2)

Yura moves onto a new location in the world after you’ve completed the steps listed above. The next location you can find this NPC on the bridge to the northeast of Main Academy Gate Site of Grace. To reach this location walk past the seal (don’t interact with it). This allows you to walk on the bridge. Walk until you find a red summon sign. Use this sign to invade. In this world defeat the Bloody Finger Ravenmount Assassin.
After the fight your receive the Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists. Yura will be on the bridge to the northwest. Speak to him here and he will thank you for helping him out. Yura gives you a Smithing Stone [5]. Exhaust his dialogue to learn about the next target Eleanora. He will then head off to the Altus Plateau.
Where to Find Bloody Finger Hunter Yura (Location 3)

Make your way through the Altus Plateau until you reach the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace. From this Site of Grace head to the north to the building called the Second Church of Marika. Go inside this building to find Yura, defeated. Speak to him then pick up the Nagakiba. After you’ve done this Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger will invade. Defeat her to get a Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Purifying Crystal Tear, and Eleonora’s Poleblade.
Where to Find Bloody Finger Hunter Yura (Location 4)

The final location of the quest is the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace. The ruins are located in the Mountaintops of the Giants to the northeast of the Grand Lift of Rold. Go to this location to find Yura. Speak to him to learn he has been taken over by Shabriri. Shabriri tries to convince the player to take the Frenzied Flame. You can attack Shabriri. Defeat him to get the Ronin set and the Iron Kasa.
Alternatively you can get the Frenzied Flame. Return to the place where Shabiri was. In his place is the Ronin Set and the Iron Kasa. Loot the items to add them to your inventory.
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