Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission Guide

Secret Missions in Devil May Cry 5

Secret Missions are hidden challenges in the various levels throughout Devil May Cry 5. These challenges can be completed for Blue Orb Fragments as well as a trophy/achievement. Check out our Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission guide below.

About Secret Missions:

  • Secret Missions are hidden in the different Missions you playthrough.
  • To access a Secret Mission you need to stand on a red dot and lineup a symbol in the world.
  • Completing all 12 Secret Missions unlocks the Secrets Exposed trophy/achievement.
  • You need to complete all of them if you are wanting to collect all Orbs.
  • Any Secret Missions you’ve found can be played through the Secret Mission Main Menu option.

Secret Missions in Devil May Cry 5

Secret Missions in Devil May Cry 5

There are a total of 12 Secret Missions in Devil May Cry 5. Each Secret Mission is a challenge you will need to complete. The challenges range from easy to hard.

Secret Mission 01: Eliminate all of the Demons

Player: Nero

Secret Mission 01 can be found in Mission 02. To complete this Secret Mission you need to kill all the demons before the time of 1 minute 30 seconds expires. For completing this challenge you will earn a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 02: Don’t Let Any Red Empusa Escape

Player: Nero

This Secret Mission is located in Mission 03. The challenge of this Secret Mission is to kill all the Red Empusa’s before they escape. Completing this challenge earns you a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 03: Collect All of the Red Orbs

Player: V

Secret Mission 03 can be found in Mission 04. The challenge is to collect all the Red Orbs in a library within the time limit. If you can do this you get a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 04: Eliminate All of the Demons Without Taking a Hit

Player: V

This Secret Mission can be accessed through Mission 05. Like the header suggests, you need to kill a number of Demons without getting hit. For completing this Secret Mission you earn a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 05: Get to the Goal Without Touching the Ground

Player: Nero

You can access this Secret Mission in Mission 08. To complete this mission you need to use grappling points to make your way across a large area without touching the ground. At the end of the area is a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 06: Eliminate all of the Demons in 20 Seconds or Less

Player: V

The entrance to this Secret Mission can be found in Mission 09. To complete this challenge you need to eliminate a number of demons in 20 seconds or less. If you can accomplish this feat, you earn a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 07: Take Down an Enemy with a Single Bullet

Player: Dante

You can access this Secret Mission in Mission 10. In order to beat this challenge you need to kill a single enemy with one bullet. Upon accomplishing this, you will earn a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 08: Maintain an S Stylish Rank

Player: Dante

To access this level, make your way to Mission 11. The challenge here is to maintain an S Stylish Rank for about 45 seconds. If you can do this you receive a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 09: Stay in the Air for More Than 15 Seconds

Player: Dante

This Secret Mission can be access in Mission 12. To complete this Secret Mission you need to stay in the air for more than 15 seconds. Once you do this, you get a Blue Orb Fragment.

Secret Mission 10: Get to the goal without touching the ground

Player: V

The entrance to this Secret Mission is in Mission 14. You need to take V from one platform to the one with a Blue Orb Fragment on it without touching the ground.

Secret Mission 11: Head Straight for the Goal

Player: Nero

You will find the entrance for this Secret Mission in Mission 15. To complete this mission you need to do a bit of platforming with Nero in under 30 seconds.

Secret Mission 12: Collect a Set Amount of Red Orbs

Player: Dante

The final Secret Mission can be found in Mission 16. In this Secret Mission you need to collect a set amount of Red Orbs off an enemy.

That’s all 12 of the Secret Missions in Devil May Cry 5. If you complete all of these Secret Missions you unlock the Secrets Exposed trophy/achievement. You will also earn 12 Blue Orb Fragments.

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