Dead Space Remake Marker Fragments

In the Dead Space Remake there are a few new additions to the game. These new additions change a variety of things. One of the most important new additions is the adding of a special set of collectibles called Marker Fragments. Market Fragments are hidden throughout the game and can be found to unlock an alternative ending. This alternative ending unlocks the Reunion achievement/trophy. To help you find all of the alternative ending collectibles, here’s Hold To Reset’s complete Dead Space Remake Marker Fragments guide.
Unlock New Game+
Before you can head out and start collecting Marker Fragments you first need to put in a bit of work. This work requires having completed the game on any of the difficulties (can be Story difficulty). Once you beat the game you unlock the game’s New Game+ mode. When you unlock this mode you also receive the following:
- 50,000 Credits.
- 10 Nodes.
- 5 Logs (Side Missions).
- Advanced Soldier Rig (Suit Level 6).
- Marker Fragments appear.
Once you have New Game+ mode unlocked start a playthrough of that mode. In this mode you will find a total of 12 Marker Fragments waiting to be collected. These fragments are located across 10 of the game’s Chapters. Chapters 5 & 10 have two each while Chapters 9 & 12 have none in them.
IMPORTANT: If you didn’t collect the Marker Fragments during each Chapter listed below you can still collect them. Once you reach Chapter 11 you can use the Tram to visit every location on the ship, allowing you to back track to get them. The guide below presents the collectibles in the order you encounter them during the main story.
Chapter 1 Marker Fragment Location

The first Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 1: New Arrivals. Near the end of the chapter you need to collect a Data Board from the Maintenance Bay. The Data Board is found in the Maintenance Bay Office. To the right of the work bench with the Data Board on it is a shelf that has Marker Fragment 1 (1/12). Melee the shelf so you can pick up the fragment. You will unlock the Marked achievement/trophy.
Chapter 2 Marker Fragment Location
The second Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 2: Intensive Care. Advance through the chapter until you reach the objective to Find a Shock Pad. During this objective you have to clear the quarantine in the Main Lab. Do this and make your way to the lower level. On this lower level look for the Dr. T. Kyne – CSO office. Enter it.

Inside the office there is a shelf on the far wall. Use Kinesis to move the shelf to the left. This reveals a secret room. Go into the secret room. At the end of the room there is a desk. On the desk is Marker Fragment 2 (2/12).
Chapter 3 Marker Fragment Location

The third Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 3: Course Correction. Make your way through the chapter until you have to Manually Ignite the Engines. This objective takes you to the Engine Room. In this room go to the far end and turn left. Go behind Power Sub-Station 03 to find Marker Fragment 3 (3/12) behind some pipes.
Chapter 4 Marker Fragment Location
The fourth Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent. Go through the chapter until you receive the objective to Reroute Power from Electrical Systems. During this objective you go to Floor 3 of the Bridge. On Floor 3 enter the Break Room. On the floor in this room is Marker Fragment 4 (4/12).
Chapter 5 Marker Fragment Locations (2 in Chapter)
The fifth Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion. It is the first of two Marker Fragments in the chapter. To get this first fragment advance through the chapter until you have to Lift the Lockdown. At this point you have to go to Dr. C. Mercer’s office. On the desk in Mercer’s office is Marker Fragment 5 (5/12).
Continue through Chapter 5 until you get the objective to Acquire the Liquid Nitrogen. This takes you to Cryogenics where you fight and freeze the Hunter. Before starting the fight by picking up the Liquid Nitrogen, look on top of the central freezing chamber. You will find Marker Fragment 6 (6/12) there. Use Kinesis to grab it.
Chapter 6 Marker Fragment Location

The seventh Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard. Make your way through this chapter until you receive the objective Inject Wheezer 06. At this point you need to use the Zero Gravity to reach the Wheezer. Before doing that fly up to the opposite corner of the room to find Marker Fragment 7 (7/12) in some corruption. Use Kinesis or fly up to it to get it.
Chapter 7 Marker Fragment Location

The eighth Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 7: Into the Void. Make your way through this chapter until you receive the objective Find the SOS Beacon. At this point you visit Deck B: Processing. Complete this section until you get Security Clearance 3. Once you have clearance head back to the elevator but don’t get on it. Instead continue past it down the hall to reach the Level 3 locked Mineral Samples room. Unlock and go inside this room to find Marker Fragment 8 (8/12) on a shelf.
Chapter 8 Marker Fragment Location
The ninth Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 8: Search and Rescue. In this chapter you need to Activate the Comms Array. While in the puzzle room face the Comms Array Control Panel. Turn left and look for a hole in the wall on the side of the room with some corruption. In this corruption is the Marker Fragment 9 (9/12).
Chapter 10 Marker Fragment Locations (2 in Chapter)
The tenth Marker Fragment to collect is located in Chapter 10: End of Days. It is one of two Marker Fragments in this chapter. The first one to collect can be found when you are completing the Destroy Tendril in Deluxe Quarters objective. To do this you need to first tunr on the power to the doors. Once the power is on head back through the large square common room into the southernmost Deluxe Quarters. In this room you will find the Marker Fragment 10 (10/12) on a desk under some writing.
The eleventh Marker Fragment can also be found during Chapter 10: End of Days. You can find it when you are completing the Destroy Tendril’s in Chief Steward’s Office objective. Make your way forward until you reach the Inquiry Desks room where you encounter Dr. Kyne. After you speak to Dr. Kyne head into the room. Directly across from the entrance there is a desk with a wine bottle on it. Behind the wine bottle is Marker Fragment 11 (11/12).
Chapter 11 Marker Fragment Location
The twelfth, and final, Marker Fragment can be found during Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions. During the Cargo Bay sequence when you must move the Marker, can be found Marker Fragment 12 (12/12) on a shelf in the south-eastern corner of the room behind the A2 loading conveyor. While you are in this room be sure to grab the Peng Treasure as well.
How to Trigger the Alternative Ending
Once you’ve collected all 12 Marker Fragments listed above your next step is to take them at a specific location. To do this head to the Tram and take it to the Crew Quarters. In the Crew Quarters go to the Crew Deck then the Executive Quarters area. In this area make your way to Captain B. Mathius room. Inside this room you will find a table with twelve pedestals on it.
Approach the table and push the interact button. You will place all 12 of the Marker Fragments on the pedestals. After you place the markers you will hear a voice speaking to you. From this point continue forward and into Chapter 12. After you defeat the boss at the end of Chapter 12 and board the ship, you will see a new ending in which Isaac is ‘reunited’ with his wife. This unlocks the Reunion achievement/trophy.
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