Control: Return to Sender Guide

Featured image on Control AWE Return to Sender Guide.

Just outside the AWE Loading Bay there is a cluster of five Pneumatic tubes. On the counter next to these tubes is a letter you can pick up. Grab this letter to start the Return to Sender. To learn how to complete this side mission use our Control AWE Return to Sender guide below.

Where to Start Return to Sender Side Quest

Image showing where to start the Return to Sender side quest in Control AWE.

The Return to Sender side quest can be started at the location shown on the screenshot above. This location is right outside the double-doors heading to the AWE Loading Bay in the Shifted Offices. Grab the letter off the counter to start the mission and trigger the next objective which is to find a copy machine in the Operations Center.

Find a Copy Machine in the Operations Center

Image showing the Copy Machine in the Operations Center of Control AWE DLC.

From the Pneumatic tubes take the nearby Control Point to the Active Investigations Control Point. Head to the Operations Center and go to the lower floor. Some Hiss will attack you here. Defeat them then head to the back wall where there is a copier. When you approach the copier you will be tasked with copying the chain letter. Do this by interacting with the copier three times.

Mail Three Copies of the Chain Letter

Image showing where to mail the three chain letters in Control AWE.

Once you have the three copies of the chain letter made you will be tasked with mailing all three of them. To do this you need to head to three locations:

  • Abandoned Offices: Pneumatic tubes left-side of office area in hallway. Can use either of them.
  • Utility Corridor: Pneumatic tubes in the dark section of the Utility Corridor directly after the large-ish room.
  • Observation Deck: Three Pneumatic tubes in the large room you enter first in the Observation Deck. Use any of the tubest to mail the letter.

Once you’ve mailed letters at all three of the locations listed above head back to the Shifted Offices. Back in the Shifted Offices all you need to do is head back to the Pneumatic Tubes. When you get close enough you will trigger a task to follow the tubes to a now open section to the left. Go into the hole that opens and cleanse the mailbox to complete this mission. This earns you experience and mods.

If you are looking for more help with Control check out our other guides. These guides will help you complete The Face of the Enemy, Dead in its Tracks, and The Third Thing quests.

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Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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